Mixed and Sustainable Communities Learning Network Launch 26 March 2009 Neighbourhood Management Workshop Jim Hayton, Executive Director Housing and Technical.


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Presentation transcript:

Mixed and Sustainable Communities Learning Network Launch 26 March 2009 Neighbourhood Management Workshop Jim Hayton, Executive Director Housing and Technical Resources South Lanarkshire Council

Outline Some key questions about Neighbourhood Management Some key questions about Neighbourhood Management Case study example from South Lanarkshire Case study example from South Lanarkshire Summary Summary Where do we go from here - some key discussion points and (polite) suggestions Where do we go from here - some key discussion points and (polite) suggestions

Some Questions about NM What is Neighbourhood Management? What is Neighbourhood Management? What problems does it attempt to solve? What problems does it attempt to solve? Where are we with NM in Scotland? Where are we with NM in Scotland? Does the current Government’s thinking lead in this direction (SOA)? Does the current Government’s thinking lead in this direction (SOA)? Should NM plans be mandatory? If so, where? Should NM plans be mandatory? If so, where?

What is NM about? “Joined up” approach to complex problems “Joined up” approach to complex problems Locality / Neighbourhood focus Locality / Neighbourhood focus Problem / Issue Identification Problem / Issue Identification Identify Actions and Resources Identify Actions and Resources Specify intended outcomes (targets?) Specify intended outcomes (targets?) Monitor and report actual outcomes Monitor and report actual outcomes Accountability! Accountability!

Some Key Elements Engaging local community Engaging local community Partnership approach from the outset Partnership approach from the outset Initial focus on physical changes Initial focus on physical changes Continual focus on key services and service gaps Continual focus on key services and service gaps Not an initiative – must become part of the mainstream Not an initiative – must become part of the mainstream Long term focus Long term focus

Some Other Key Elements Tackling wider issues Tackling wider issues e.g. – crime and anti social behaviour Opportunities for employment and training Opportunities for employment and training Improving health Improving health Improving educational attainment Improving educational attainment Improving services – all partners committed Improving services – all partners committed Improve Quality of Life Improve Quality of Life “Closing the Gap” for bottom 15% (SIMD) “Closing the Gap” for bottom 15% (SIMD)

NM Plans (1) Background – neighbourhood context, socio/economic stats, etc Background – neighbourhood context, socio/economic stats, etc Identification of Issues to inform action Identification of Issues to inform action Housing/EnvironmentLocal Transport Quality of Local ServicesTraining and Education employment Health Crime and ASB Young / older people Community Engagement

(2) NM Plans (2) Neighbourhood Management Plan: Neighbourhood Management Plan: Proposed actions to address issues (investment/service standards) Proposed actions to address issues (investment/service standards) Council and partner organisations Council and partner organisations Timescales and responsibilities Timescales and responsibilities Resources (finance, land, people) Resources (finance, land, people) Define specific outcomes Define specific outcomes Monitoring and Evaluation (NM Boards vital) Monitoring and Evaluation (NM Boards vital) Community Planning in action! Community Planning in action!

Where is NM in Scotland ? Some councils have geographically restructured management and service focus Some councils have geographically restructured management and service focus Some have refocused on the locality for community planning partners Some have refocused on the locality for community planning partners Some have geographical service focus Some have geographical service focus Most haven’t (and retain traditional functional divisions) Most haven’t (and retain traditional functional divisions)

SOA: Will it Assist NM? 1 Purpose 1 Purpose 9 “Purpose Targets” 9 “Purpose Targets” 5 Strategic Objectives 5 Strategic Objectives 15 National Outcomes 15 National Outcomes 45 National Indicators and Targets 45 National Indicators and Targets Plus Local Outcomes! Plus Local Outcomes! Plus Local Indicators! Plus Local Indicators!

Single Outcome Agreement NM has major potential contribution to most of National Outcomes (and many indicators) but……. NM has major potential contribution to most of National Outcomes (and many indicators) but……. How do CP partners get from 45 National Indicators etc to meaningful local action? How do CP partners get from 45 National Indicators etc to meaningful local action?

NM: A Brief Case Study Whitehill Neighbourhood South Lanarkshire

Context and background (1) South Lanarkshire 3 rd largest LA landlord South Lanarkshire 3 rd largest LA landlord Population of 306,000 Population of 306, ,000 households 130,000 households LA stock c. 27,000 (8 local offices) LA stock c. 27,000 (8 local offices) 700 square miles 700 square miles Urban and rural mix Urban and rural mix

Context and background (2) 6% Areas within the worst 15% - Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation % Areas within the worst 15% - Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2006 (13% SLC population ( 40,000+) in these areas) (13% SLC population ( 40,000+) in these areas) Long standing challenges Long standing challenges Whitehill Whitehill

Whitehill –the challenges Low demand / high level of voids– outward migration Low demand / high level of voids– outward migration Physical decay Physical decay Tenure split 70:30% - rented / owner occupied – 2 parts to the scheme Tenure split 70:30% - rented / owner occupied – 2 parts to the scheme Poor amenities /facilities / services Poor amenities /facilities / services High levels of crime and anti social behaviour High levels of crime and anti social behaviour Health, social and economic issues Health, social and economic issues Worst 15% - SIMD Worst 15% - SIMD Reputation Reputation

What did the people think? (WILTLH?) 2003 Baseline Drug Misuse 75% Vandalism/Graffiti 65% Drinking in public 72% Threatening behaviour 28% Gangs /territorialism 32% Illegal dumping of waste 27% Rating of Area 59%

The plan - some key elements Physical master plan - Physical master plan - Redevelopment of derelict land – market established Redevelopment of derelict land – market established Demolition 160 houses / flats Demolition 160 houses / flats Competition – 240 new houses for sale / shared equity Competition – 240 new houses for sale / shared equity 34 new rented homes /22 unit very sheltered and day care centre 34 new rented homes /22 unit very sheltered and day care centre Own stock improvements – SHQS Own stock improvements – SHQS Neighbourhood centre and facilities Neighbourhood centre and facilities New secondary school New secondary school Environmental improvements Environmental improvements

Whitehill sidings Derelict land

Low ( i.e. No! ) demand

Room for improvement

Whitehill Facilities - before

Failing local businesses and services

Selective demolition – 200 houses

Whitehill Sidings 2001

Investment – own stock

Housing for sale – 300+ new homes

New housing for sale

Rented / Shared Equity -West of Scotland HA

Hanover very sheltered / Day Care

Whitehill Neighbourhood Centre

Neighbourhood Centre – street

Neighbourhood Centre Healthy Living project Community Library and IT Learning Centre

New poly-tunnel – garden project

New shops/environmental improvements

New play and leisure facilities

NM Critical success factors (1) Consulting/involving the local community Consulting/involving the local community Partnership approach from the outset Partnership approach from the outset Early major physical changes Early major physical changes Tackling anti social behaviour Tackling anti social behaviour Mixed funding - CS; BNSF; private sector; CRF; ERDF; SLC Mixed funding - CS; BNSF; private sector; CRF; ERDF; SLC Establishment of local NM Board critical Establishment of local NM Board critical Linking strategies, plans and services Linking strategies, plans and services

NM Critical success factors (2) £40million investment £40million investment Diverse and improved housing choice – including market established for sale Diverse and improved housing choice – including market established for sale Waiting list for rented stock – 600 waiting list Waiting list for rented stock – 600 waiting list Police report crime levels down significantly Police report crime levels down significantly Improved local service delivery and uptake- health, crèche, training, Police, youth services, library, IT suite Improved local service delivery and uptake- health, crèche, training, Police, youth services, library, IT suite Buses back in the area Buses back in the area

NM Critical success factors NM Critical success factors (3) Longer term outcomes… Longer term outcomes… Opportunities for employment and training Opportunities for employment and training Improving health Improving health Improving educational attainment Improving educational attainment Improving services – all partners Improving services – all partners Reflected in changes in SIMD and partner data Reflected in changes in SIMD and partner data Overall, improved quality of life and satisfaction Overall, improved quality of life and satisfaction

Sustainability factors Community ownership & empowerment – ‘Neighbourhood Board’ Community ownership & empowerment – ‘Neighbourhood Board’ Building on partnerships Building on partnerships Completion of physical regeneration Completion of physical regeneration Focus on mainstream services and standards (“normalisation”) Focus on mainstream services and standards (“normalisation”) Coordinated delivery of services Coordinated delivery of services Commitment to the ‘long haul’ Commitment to the ‘long haul’ Monitor, listen and learn Monitor, listen and learn

What do the people think? Issue 2003 Baseline 2005 Baseline 2007 Baseline Drug misuse 75%34%19% Vandalism / graffiti 65%8%11% Drinking in public 72%19%7% Threatening behaviour 28%5% Gangs / territorialism 32%4%5% Illegal dumping of waste 27%4%5% Rating of Area 59%85%84%

Summary Complex problems need “Joined up” response (i.e. Neighbourhood Management) Complex problems need “Joined up” response (i.e. Neighbourhood Management) Don’t under estimate importance of physical change and scale of resources needed to deliver Don’t under estimate importance of physical change and scale of resources needed to deliver Long term commitment to change essential Long term commitment to change essential Monitor and publish outcome Monitor and publish outcome

Where do we go from here? How do we make sure partners work together? How do we make sure partners work together? Should local budgets be created? Should local budgets be created? How do we make partners accountable? (PIs) How do we make partners accountable? (PIs) Should Neighbourhood plans be statutory for areas in worst 15% Should Neighbourhood plans be statutory for areas in worst 15%

Jim Hayton, Executive Director Housing and Technical Resources