1 Benefits & Challenges: Groundwater- Over 95% of the Earths usable fresh water is stored as groundwater Transborder groundwater resources.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits & Challenges: Groundwater- Over 95% of the Earths usable fresh water is stored as groundwater Transborder groundwater resources

2 Benefits & Challenges: FOOD and HUNGER 1 Billion people go to bed hungry each night Rice is the staple food for half of the Worlds population Food related VIOLENCE is increasing 1 Billion people go to bed hungry each night Rice is the staple food for half of the Worlds population Food related VIOLENCE is increasing

3 Share of Increase in Global Demand for Cereals (1995–2020) Source: IFPRI IMPACT simulations, July Developed countries 15.9% Sub-Saharan Africa 10.6% Latin America 11.7% West Asia and North Africa 10.1% India 12.6% China 24.9% Rest of Asia 14.2% World = 690 million ton increase

4 Environment: Agricultural Production Systems in Africa c.70% of Africas Workforce is employed in the AGRICULTURAL SECTOR c.40% of GDP of African countries flows from AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS c.80% of African population depends on TRADITIONAL MEDICINE c.75% of sub-Saharan Africas population is without access to ELECTRICITY: Firewood & Charcoal (Biomass)

5 Environment: Water & Crop Yield Wheat: Rain fed production: 0.3 kg/cu.m. Irrigated production: 0.8 kg/cu.m. Supplemented Irrigation production: 2.2 kg/cu.m.

6 Benefits & Challenges : Health in Africa Mortality rate: About 103 (infants per 1000 live births) Every 30 seconds a CHILD dies of MALARIA in Africa About 1 million Africans are killed by malaria each year 26.5 million Africans are infected with HIV 2.5 million die each year of AIDS Life Expectance at Birth: ca.45 years

7 DISEASEWORLD LOW INCOME COUNTRIES Coronary heart disease Stroke & other Cerebro-vascular diseases Lower respiratory infections Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Diarrhoeal diseases HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis Malaria Prematurity and low birth weight Benefits & Challenges: HEALTH GLOBAL CAUSES OF DEATH: Top 10 (WHO, November 2008) No. of Deaths (in millions )

8 Benefits & Challenges: Health Cholera: Ancient Disease is now a disease of Developing Nations mainly in Africa and SE Asia. Patients Can lose as much as 20 liters of fluid in a 6- hour period. It is this rapid and massive fluid loss that leads to a drop in blood pressure and death if untreated.