Angles and Polar Coordinates
Angles Angles are a way to describe the difference in slope of two intersecting lines Vertex Angle
Angles We measure the area in between the lines, and compare it to a full circle We divide the circle into 360 equal parts See how many of those parts will fit in between the two lines
Angles Typical angles go from 0 to 360 degrees The abbreviation for “degree” is a small circle next to the number 37 degrees = 37°
Right Angle Any two intersecting lines that makes a perfectly square corner Measures exactly 90° Another word for two lines at right angles is “perpendicular”
Acute Angle A “sharp” angle Measures less than 90°
Obtuse Angle An angle larger than a right angle, less than a straight line Between 90° and 180°
Measuring Angles Place the center hole of the protractor over the vertex or point of the angle Align the zero line on the straight edge of the protractor with one of the sides of the angle Find the point where the second side of the angle intersects the curved edge of the protractor and read the number
Cartesian Coordinates Two axes, usually named X and Y At right angles to each other X axis Y axis Origin (0,0)
Cartesian Coordinates Plot how far things are from the origin along the X and the Y axes (X,Y) X Y The red dot is 3 away from the origin in the X direction The red dot is 2 away from the origin in the Y direction X = 3 Y = 2 (3,2)
Polar Coordinates Used to measure things around a circle Plot things in terms of an angle and a distance to the origin angle = 0° angle = 90° angle = 180° angle = 270° Origin
Polar Coordinates (distance, angle) angle distance angle = 0° angle = 90° angle = 180° angle = 270°
Polar Graph Paper The numbers around the outside tell you the angles Circles on the inside represent different distances If this line represents all the possible points with distance = 4 Then the point (4, 100°) is here
Review Angles are circular measurements Right angles are 90° angles Acute angles are less than 90° Obtuse angles are more than 90° Polar coordinates measure the angle from a given line, and distance from the origin They are written as (distance, angle)