1 drt 6455 eCommerce Law lesson 8 – IT and web 2.0 associate professor faculty of law university of montreal university of montreal chair in e-Security and e-Business law
2 plan Web 2.0 Definition Facebook Legal risks –Copyright –Trademarks –Libel –Image Rights –Privacy –Liability –Sécurity –Contract –Advertisment Law –Others
3 web definition
4 web caractéristics participation = community technology = openness (open + free) attitude = iconoclast
5 web community (1) Blogs and interaction Wikipedia Comments on amazon Rating on eBay Vidéo on youtube and dailymotion « Friendship » on facebook Entreprise 2.0 (link with buyers) Etc.
6 web technologies (2)
7 web attitudes (3)
8 web differences
9 web examples eBay p2p amazon dailymotion / youtube flickr wikipedia facebook Etc.
10 facebook
11 risks Intellectual property –Copyright –patentnon –Trademarks –Libel –Image Rights –Privacy –Liability –Sécurity –Contract –Advertisment Law –Others
12 Facebook contract Many contractual pathologies –1) legilibility –2) dynamic aspect «These Guidelines may be modified or replaced by Facebook at any time without notice in its sole discretion. Any changes or modification will be effective immediately upon posting of the revisions on the Site. Your continued use of Facebook Marketplace following the posting of such changes or modifications will constitute your acceptance thereof. Therefore, you should review these Guidelines from time-to-time and before posting any Listings or otherwise using the Service. If you do not agree to the amended terms, you must stop using the Service» –3) contract lenght –4) many hyperlinks –5) contracts not easy to find –6) Many contracts –7) legalese (EX: liability clauses) –8) terms for contractual terms (Terms, Policy, Guidelines etc.) –9) abusive clauses EX: «When you post User Content to the Site, you authorize and direct us to make such copies thereof as we deem necessary in order to facilitate the posting and storage of the User Content on the Site. By posting User Content to any part of the Site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to the Company an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part) and distribute such User Content for any purpose on or in connection with the Site or the promotion thereof, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such User Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing. You may remove your User Content from the Site at any time. If you choose to remove your User Content, the license granted above will automatically expire, however you acknowledge that the Company may retain archived copies of your User Content.»