GET INTO GROUPS OF AT LEAST 2 Take this time to work on any assignment you haven’t completed and need time to work on! Get help from your peers, your notes, the answer book, me, etc.
STUDY GUIDES – AT LEAST ONE EXAMPLE FROM EACH TOPIC Converting polar to rectangular Converting rectangular to polar Plotting polar coordinates Graphing polar equations Finding component form of vectors Finding magnitude of vectors Adding and scalar multiples of vectors Combined force Force of someone pulling an object up an incline Navigation – bearing problems Converting parametric to rectangular Converting rectangular to parametric I would do more examples of the ones you are having trouble with! Just because I said ONE doesn’t mean you can’t do more! We are just condensing your notes, but it doesn’t have to be on only 2 pages if you need more…
ONLINE HELP Go to It walks you through some examples and then gives you 10 problems to practice on your own. You can also look on Khan Academy!! They have stuff too!