SO335 – Course Overview Fall 2014 Magic?
Methods course objectives: review By the end of this course, you should be able to: – Describe meteorological and oceanographic processes, particularly fluid parcel motion, using complex mathematical notation, and – Apply vector calculus to oceanography and meteorology. You now understand vector calculus (dot products, cross products) and its application to fluid motion – Describe the fundamental forces that govern large-scale fluid motion, and – Speak with confidence about the Navier-Stokes governing equations. You now can clearly express, in a fairly simple sentence, the reason for fluid motion – Fluid accelerates because it is acted on by Coriolis, Centripetal, Pressure gradient, and Gravity
Methods course objectives: review By the end of this course, you should be able to: – Derive two basic governing principles: conservation of mass and momentum You have derived the continuity equation and Navier-Stokes equations, and done so with very few assumptions (fixed volume, and for N-S, incompressible) – Think critically about a meteorological or oceanographic dynamical process You have had many opportunities for critical thinking! – Create MATLAB code to complete basic analysis and graphing tasks. You are now quite creating variables, running scripts, producing figures, and interpreting these figures
Methods course content: review Important starting concepts in SO335 – Vector calculus Dot product Cross product Del operator – Material derivative Local change minus advection – Trajectories, streamlines, streamfunction, velocity potential – Taylor Series & Gauss’s Theorem Important applied concepts in SO335 – Mass conservation Full and incompressible forms of continuity equation – Momentum conservation Navier-Stokes equation of motion (vector form, component form) Non-rotating and rotating versions of the N-S equations Transition to polar coordinates