EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 1 EU-IndiaGrid Interoperability: status and plans Marco Verlato International Grid Interoperability and Interoperation Workshop (IGIIW07) Bangalore, 10 December 2007
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 2 Outline EU-IndiaGrid project overview –Objectives –Activities –1 st year achievements Interoperability between EGEE and GARUDA –Analysis –Strategy –Some scenarios Conclusions
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 3 An EGEE related project
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 4 Indian Grid Projects India has two main grid infrastructures: –The GARUDA National Grid Initiative –The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) Grid IGCAR: wide-area Data dissemination BARC: Computing with shared controls VECC: real-time Data collection CAT: archival storage 4 Mbps Link 4 Mbps Link DAE Grid (gLite based) GARUDA Grid Private Network Connecting 45 institutes in 17 cities 100 and 10 Mbps links
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 5 GARUDA components Resources Compute, Data, Storage, Scientific Instruments, Softwares,.. Access Methods Access Portal Problem Solving Environments Data Management Storage Resource Broker Development Environment DIViA for Grid Management & Monitoring Paryaveekshanam Collaborative Environment Video Conferencing over IP Access Grid Resource Mgmt & Scheduling Moab from Cluster Resources Load Leveler, Torque Globus 2.x Application (PoC) Disaster Management Bioinformatics Slide from Natraj C Addekoppa’s talk at Taipei Workshop
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 6 EU-IndiaGrid goals To support the interconnection and interoperability between EGEE and GARUDA for the benefit of e- Science applications To build an e-Science Network Community: –identify and aggregate research, scientific and industrial communities which may benefit from the use of Grid To promote the use of advanced Grid technologies in scientific communities –Specific pilot applications (HEP, Biology, Material Science, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) and dissemination activities Project start: October 2006 Duration: 24 months
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 7 PARTICIPANTS EUROPE INFN (project coordinator) Metaware SpA Italian Academic and Research Network (GARR) Cambridge University INTERNATIONAL Abdu Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics INDIA Indian Education and Research Network (ERNET) University of Pune SAHA Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai TATA Institute for Fundamental Research (Mumbai) National Centre for Biological Sciences (Bangalore) Not formally, but concretely: VECC, Kolkata and MIT, Chennai
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 8 Activities WP1 Project administrative and technical management INFN +all WP2Building an eScience Network Community MTW +GARR,ICTP,NCBS,ERNET, PUNE, CDAC, BARC, TIFR WP3Network Planning & Support GARR, ERNET WP4Pilot grid infrastructure operational support INFN +CAMBRIDGE, ERNET CDAC, BARC, TIFR WP5 Applications INFN +ICTP,CAMBRIDGE, NCBS, PUNE,SAHA, CDAC, TIFR WP6Dissemination & Networking Events MTW +all
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 9 Main 1 st year achievements Five Project Workshops + several trainings –Mumbai, Dec 2006; Bangalore, Apr 2007; Kolkata, Jun 2007; Pune, Sep 2007; Taipei, Nov 2007 EU-IndiaGrid Project Conference here this week Enabling exploitation of high bandwidth EU-India network connectivity –45Mbps in October 2006; 1Gbps November 2007 Supporting the creation of the National Indian CA Operating the euindia VO and infrastructure with >1200 CPUs, >10 CPU.years consumed by appl.s many scientific applications ported on both GARUDA and EGEE grids see posters at this conference
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 10 Interoperability/1 The 2 nd year will be more focused on Interoperability The 1 st year was spent in: –achieving some pre-requisites: ASGC CA acting as catch-all CA until the Indian National CA is established and approved by APGridPMA Interconnecting GARUDA’s private network with the intercontinental link –carefully analysing the gLite and GARUDA middlewares –discussing among partners a number of possible interoperability scenarios –defining a stepwise strategy to achieve the goal
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 11 Interoperability/2 It was soon recognized the need of: –taking advantage from EUChinaGrid experience about interoperability with CNGrid GOS middleware –identifying solutions being compliant with consolidated/emerging standards (GLUE, JSDL, OGSA-BES, gridFTP, SRM) Corresponding actions undertaken: –EU-Asia Interoperability sessions/workshops/round tables organised at international grid events at EGEE’07 of Budapest, October 2007 at WLCG-Tier2/EU-IndiaGrid Workshop of Taipei, November 2007 at IGIIW and EU-IndiaGrid Conference of Bangalore, this week –Participation to Open Grid Forum Interoperability Panel planned from OGF22, February 2008
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 12 Picture taken at Mumbai Workshop, December 2006 ANALYSIS
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 13 MOAB GLOBUS lcg-CE (GT2 based) GARUDA-CE (GT2 based) BDII GSI+ VOMS PORTAL UI WMS JC+LM LFC SRM SRB MDS GSI+ gridmapfile PBS-Like LRMS WN-1 WN-2 WN-n Linux + AIX MW components analysis
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 14 The strategy To deploy gLite middleware at Indian partners sites –CE and SE deployed at VECC, Kolkata in September 2007 –First full-fledged gLite testbed deployed at MIT, Chennai in October 2007 –CDAC-Bangalore and Pune coming soon To implement a “basic” job submission interoperation scenario with the present middleware components To implement a more advanced scenario evaluating/adapting the EUChinaGrid Gateway To implement Data Management interoperation leveraging SRM-SRB interface developed by ASGC To design a true interoperability model based on OGF standards, to be implemented in a future I3 project
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 15 gLite WMS BDII gLite UI VOMS Basic Job submission interoperation GARUDA portal gLite Resources cloud WNs must support both environments lcg-CE (Torque) lcg-CElcg-CE (Torque) In case of AIX sys. could be evaluated AIX-ENEA solution Mixed WN: GARUDA + gLite TAR-WN gLite (TAR) UI or subset (WMproxy APIs)
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 16 ENEA-Grid approach to provide access to AIX Can be applied on other contexts, being based on: 1)availability of a shared file system on the site WN and on the GRID Proxy WN 2)use of a remote execution tool for implementing the wrapper it works also with NFS or GPFS it works also with rsh or ssh Invasiveness of the grid middleware and firewall requirements are minimized !
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 17 EUChinaGrid Gateway/Adapter Approach Slides from Subrata Chattopadhyay’s talk at EGEE’07
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 18 Data Management Interoperation SRB SRM Short term plan –Implement interface compatible with SRM version 2.2 Mid-term plan –Interact and test with other data management systems such as Castor, dCache,…,etc. Long-term plan –Interoperate with gLite. Hope glite users who join VO can access files and resources in SRB and vice versa. ASGC is developing a SRM interface to SRB DEMO at SC’07 Thanks to Fu-Ming Tsai
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 19 Architecture Overview Cache server (+gridftp server) Core Cache repository SRB+DSI File catalog SRB/gridftp Gridftp/management API SRM API File transfer (gridftp) Web Service Data server management Users/applications Thanks to Fu-Ming Tsai The ICTP team developing StoRM is part of both EU-IndiaGrid and SRM-WG of OGF Possible cooperation with ASGC for: –interacting with StoRM –deploying/adapting the SRM-SRB interface in EU- IndiaGrid
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 20 Interoperability with OGF standards OMII-Europe EU project is delivering components to enable interoperability across different middlewares: –gLite, Globus, UNICORE, OMII-UK and CROWN For gLite-Globus we could use: –CREAM-BES: new gLite CE compliant with BES and JSDL, beta release in December, stable release by April –GT4 OGSA-BES: pre-alpha version GT4 CE –VOMS for the security (compliant with OGF OGSA AuthZ WG ) –GLUE Schema for the Information System adapting these components to GARUDA and gLite environment requires effort for development JRAs in I3 EU Projects
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 21 gLite WMS JC+ LM GARUDA Scheduler / MOAB GLOBUS lcg-CE (GT2 based) GARUDA-CE (GT2 based) GT2 gLite BES conn. globus BES conn. BDII with GLUE schema GSI + VOMS GARUDA Portal gLite UI Future job submission using JSDL/BES standards? (thanks to Moreno Marzolla / OMII-EUROPE) GARUDA-CE (GT4 based) BES GT4 ICE CREAM-CE (WS based) BES CREAM-CLI BES-CLI
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 22 The main focus of EU-IndiaGrid Project in its 2 nd year will be the interoperability between gLite and GARUDA Several discussions held, several approaches figured out during the 1 st year, and a stepwise strategy has been proposed The Project is actively organizing panel sessions, round tables, discussions about interoperability with other Projects interested in this matter (EGEE’07 in Budapest, WLCG-WS in Taiwan, eScience 2007 in Bangalore) A contact with OGF was started late September 2007, the participation at Interoperability Panel at upcoming Open Grid Forum events is planned EU-IndiaGrid is ending in September 2008 A proposal is ready for EU-IndiaGrid2, describing a more detailed way on standards adoption/collaboration for job and data management interoperability Conclusions
EU-IndiaGrid (RI ) is funded by the European Commission under the Research Infrastructure Programme 23 Thank you