mail: DLIS, University of Kalyani, West Bengal A Study on the Open source Integrated Library Management Software: special reference to NewGenLib. By Goutam Biswas mail: And Dibyendu Paul DLIS, University of Kalyani, West Bengal
INTRODUCTION The Open Source Initiative ( claims that open source software is “an idea whose time has finally come”. It is seen to represent the philosophical understanding of how a previously created “source” or code can be used or adapted to develop a piece of“ software”. LMS has significant roles in library automation. Basic points of considerations regarding LMS are: availability available features and functional modules standards and compatibility in data format and data exchange cost of procurement Options: commercial or free software? Availability in India: Most of are commercial software The open source ILMS originated in India: NewGenLib Open Source We attempted to highlight: features advantages and disadvantages Comparison with others Back2Plan
RECOMMENDED FEATURES…. Back2Plan Core modules: acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, serial control, article indexing… Enhanced services: customized report generation, reservation facility, interlibrary loan, union cataloguing, authority file, retro-conversion… Binary or source code Standards/Formats: MARC21, CCF, MARC-XML, ISO-2709, Z39.50… Developer: Institution is first preference Reputed company is the next Individual (s) may deviate from continuity. Revision
REASONS FOR CHOOSING OSS Price Unrestricted use Community involvement in development and maintenance Issues of copyright etc Interoperability: customizable according to the needs and standards Back2Plan
SALIENT FEATURES OF NewGenLib… Back2Plan Licensing Source Code & User Manual User’s Feedback Architecture & Backend Functional Modules Data Create & Exchange Format Mail Server Open Access Compatibility Unicode Compatibility RFID Technology
SOFTWARE COMPARED WITH… Back2Plan Koha PMB PhpMyLibrary OpenBiblio
FEATURE FOR COMPARISON General Features Functional Modules OPAC Circulation Cataloging & Information Services Back2Plan
GENERAL FEATURES Back2Plan Authority file & controlled vocabulary Client server architect Complete web based functions Customized report generation Give technical support after installation GUI and color Interlibrary loan system Intranet support Retro conversion Standard report administration Support International metadata standard Support multilinguality Support network environment Ability to build digital library Ability to build repository Article Indexing Associate component found in open source Digital library integration Linux and Windows OS compatible No restriction of use Power search facility Scalable and high speed Union cataloguing
COMPARATIVE FEATURES OF FUNCTIONAL MODULES Back2Features Acquisition Budget Control Cataloguing of Monograph Cataloguing of Electronic Documents Circulation Inter Library Loan Library Statistics OPAC Reports Generation Cataloguing of Website Import/Export Serial Control Stock Taking
COMPARATIVE FEATURES OF OPAC Back2Feature Multimedia Library Map Website Cataloguing Electronic Documents Cataloguing Reservation Through OPAC Can Staff Modify Index Field? Can Staff Modify Display Format? Facility for WEBPAC
COMPARATIVE FEATURES OF CIRCULATION Back2Feature Issue & Return Renewal Reservation Use of Barcode Technology Fines as per different users and documents Reservation (for specific time period) Report Generation Use of RFID
COMPARATIVE FEATURES OF CATALOGING & INFORMATION SERVICES Back2Plan Printing of Catalogue in AACR Format Printing of Catalogue in CCC Format Exporting /Importing of Data Report Generation SDI Service CAS Service
METHOD OF SCORING … One point each has given for the features available for zero each for the features not available in any software It must be noted that all features are not equal in significance
FINDINGS BASED ON PROJECTED SCORE NewGenLib is more advanced It has five more features in general than Koha and much more than the commercial software under study In functional modules it remain advance than Koha but more or less equally featured with commercial software NewGenLib has also more features in number in all other aspects like: OPAC Circulation Cataloguing and Information Services Go2Chart Back2Plan
CONCLUSION Back2Plan In this very brief study it is clear that this software would be applicable in Indian libraries as far as its different features are concerned. It supports all the functional modules as well as the web interface needed for a library. In a developing country like India, the first Indian origin open source software is incredibly useful. In the new paradigm of information society, software like NewGenLib open source software is a basic requirement as a primary resource of library.It should take a great role for the purpose of Information Access Initiatives and Rural India.
Table 01: Comparative General Features of Selected Software … (Back) NewGenLib Koha PMB PhpMyLib OpenBiblio Authority file & controlled vocabulary 1 Client server architect Complete web based functions Customized report generation Give technical support after installation GUI and color Interlibrary loan system Intranet support Retro conversion Standard report administration Support International metadata standard Support multilinguality Support network environment Ability to build digital library Ability to build repository Article Indexing Associate component found in open source Digital library integration Linux and Windows OS compatible No restriction of use Power search facility Scalable and high speed Union cataloguing Score 23 18 15 16
Comparative Features of Functional Modules Functions NewGenLib Koha LIBSYS PhpMyLib OpenBiblio Acquisition 1 Budget Control Cataloguing of monograph Cataloguing of electronic documents Circulation Inter Library Loan Library Statistics OPAC Reports Generation Cataloguing of website Import/Export Serial Control Stock taking Score 13 09 12
Comparative Features of OPAC OPAC Features NewGenLib Koha SLIM++ PhpMyLib EASYLIB Multimedia 1 Library Map N.F Web site cataloguing Electronic documents cataloguing Reservation through OPAC Can staff modify index field Can staff modify display format Facility for WEBPAC Score 07 05 06 02 Back to plan
Comparative Features of Circulation… Circulation Features NewGenLib Koha SLIM++ PhpMyLib OpenBiblio Issue 1 Return Renewal Reservation Use of barcode technology Fines as per different users and documents Reservation (for specific time period) Report generation Use of RFID N.F Score 09 08
Comparative Features of Cataloging & Information Services NewGenLib Koha SLIM++ PhpMyLib OpenBiblio Printing of catalogue in AACR format 1 Printing of catalogue in CCC format Exporting /Importing of data Report generation SDI service CAS service Score 06 00 04 05