Development and Application of Potentially Important Jute Geo-textiles (CFC/IJSG/21) Bangladesh Part Project Overview on the Progress & Achievements in Bangladesh Presentation in National Seminar for dissemination of finding and activities of the project (CFC/IJSG/21), dated September 19, 2013 Jute Diversification Promotion Centre (JDPC) Ministry of Textiles & Jute Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
1.Project Brief Location:Bangladesh & India Duration:Five year (from to ) Estimated Total Cost:USD 3,962,826 Financing from the Fund:USD 2,045,000 (Grant) (Bangladesh USD 4,26,500) Counterpart In kind Contribution (Govt. of India):USD 1,240,736 (excluding other Indian partners)
Counterpart in kind Contribution (Govt. of Bangladesh):USD 567,090 (excluding other Bangladesh partners) Other Contribution (Lead Agencies/IJSG/Pvt. Partners:USD 110,000 Project Executing agency:National Jute Board (NJB), Kolkata, India Supervisory Body:International Jute Study Group (IJSG) Collaborating Institutions:National Jute Board (NJB), Kolkata, India (for India part) :Jute Diversification Promotion Centre (JDPC) (for Bangladesh Part)
The project will lead to the commercial acceptability of jute geo-textiles for use in soil erosion control and rural road construction in Bangladesh and India. The results will lend themselves to be extrapolated to conditions in other potential market countries. The project will develop material specifications, field installation protocols and design methodologies for applications in compliance with requirements and standards set by end users. Objective and Scope Objectives
This project will lead to substantial expansion of the market uptake of jute geo-textiles for use in soil erosion control and road construction in commercially competitive markets. Economic Impact : GDP growth, additional Foreign Exchange earning through export of JGTs. Scope Objective and Scope
Component – 1: Market Needs Assessment & Supply Chain Analysis Component– 2 :Identification of Potentially Important Jute Geo- textiles based on Performance Evaluation Component – 3 :Manufacture of the identified/selected potentially important JGT and its standardization Component – 4 :Documentation and Dissemination Component – 5:Project Management and Reporting Major Components
Project Facilitating Agencies 1.Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) Dhaka. 2.Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI), Dhaka. 3.Soil Resources Development Institute (SRDI), Dhaka. 4.Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Dhaka. Bangladesh Part
5.Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), Dhaka. 6.Roads & Highways Department (RHD), Dhaka. 7.Special Works Organization (SWO), Bangladesh Army. 8.Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC), Dhaka. 9.Janata Jute Mills Limited (JJML), Gulshan, Dhaka (Private Partner)
GoB to identify sites on the basis of geotechnical conditions; GoB will bear the costs of construction; GoB will provide pre-work information taking technical advice from BUET; GoB will make cost provisions, technical evaluation. Responsibilities of GoB & FA’s
Selection of JGT field trial sites; Providing design & plans of JGT field trials with green vegetation; Laboratory and field tests of JGTs, simulation studies, soil investigation; Selection, designing of new JGT; 3 stage monitoring of JGT field trials; Collection of data, information, Documentations and Dissemination; Providing inputs for preparing approach paper for Standardization. BUET’s role in Project Implementation -
treatment tests of JGTs research on cost effective substitute of bitumen treated m² JGT for river bank protection and rural road construction BJRI Carrying research related to soil investigation, soil nutrient and soil loss determination, geo-climatic information etc. Collected 26 soil samples & 16 samples have been tested and analyzed SRDI JGT field trial at 5 rural road construction sites 3 already completed 2 in progress: will be completed by September/October, 2013 LGED
JGT field trial application in 5 river bank protection including 2 additional sites Already Completed 3 JGT field trials 1 additional sites in progress and 1 additional site yet commence BWDB 1 JGT field trial for rural road at Keranigonj, Dhaka in RHD Completed 3 JGT field trials of hill slope stabilization with green vegetation SWO
manufactured and supplied m 2 soil saver of 700 & 500 gsms JJM manufacturing and supplying newly designed and specified JGT through Latif Bawani, Karim and United Meghna Chandpur Jute Mills Ltd. (UMC). manufactured and supplied m 2 DW Plain JGT (31000 m 2 of 627, m and m gsm) BJMC Supplied samples 365, 500 & 600 GSM soil savers for lab test. Shonali Aansh Industries Ltd.
8 awareness workshops/programs arranged, more 4 to be organized this year JDPC & BUET collecting information to establish data bank and documentation National Workshop/Seminar arranging in December, 2013 Documentation and Dissemination Performance Evaluation Constituted team for Monitoring of sites Constituted Standardization Committee Preparing draft approach paper Team is working regularly
RECEIPT & UTILIZATION OF CFC FUND (BANGLADESH PART) Sl. No. Date of receipt of fund Amount received in USD Nature Amount Utilized as on Percentage of Utilization ,000Authorized Allocation 250,20293% ,620 Replenishment for the period to ,610 Replenishment for the period to ,087 Replenishment for the period to ,745 Replenishment for the period to ,080 Replenishment for the period to ,582 Replenishment for the period to ,057 Replenishment for the period to ,617 Replenishment for the period to TOTAL (Round-up) 268,396
Arranged 3 year ending meetings 4 Qtr. Ending meetings and 4 Coordination meetings with PEA Participated in 4 half yearly meetings with PEA in India Held 4 standardization committee meetings in Bangladesh Arranged 16 Co-ordination meetings with BUET, BJRI, SRDI, SWO, and other Facilitating Agencies Completed Annual Audit of project accounts for PY-1, PY-2 and PY- 3 by CA appointed by PEA, IJSG and CFC Submitted periodical reports to PEA, IJSG and CFC (status report, half yearly annual report and financial report) etc. Management, Reporting (Comp-5)
Few Photographs on Project Activities
Awareness Workshop on the use of Jute Geo-textiles organized by JDPC and Katalyst
Standardization Committee meeting
Mr. Guy Sneyers, Chief Operations Officer, CFC watching PowerPoint presentations arranged by JDPC on March 26, 2013 at IJSG Conference Room, Dhaka. Prof. Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan, CE. Deptt., BUET made the presentation.
Mr. Guy Sneyers, Chief Operations Officer, CFC with IJSG & JDPC officials and Prof. Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan (CE Deptt., BUET) on March 26, 2013 at IJSG Conference Room, Dhaka.
3rd Year Ending Meeting on April 04, 2013 Felicitating Agencies at 3rd Year Ending Meeting on April 04, 2013
Thank you