BREW Client for GHRC Prem Kumar, QUALCOMM Inc
BREW Client – 4.1 Overview Confidential and Proprietary 2 BREW GHRC Document History >Kicked off in the first GHRC meeting in Hongkong, November 2004 >GHRC for CDMA – BREW Requirements for CDMA Handsets, Version 0.03 Drafted, reviewed, and completed on July 5 th 2005
BREW Client – 4.1 Overview Confidential and Proprietary 3 >Consistent & common APIs across devices for application execution >Same interfaces across OEMs, Carriers, and Access Technology >Hardware & Software abstracted APIs for application development >Trade off between protecting underlying engines versus ability to create compelling applications >Tight integration with device engines for optimal end user experience >Key for multimedia rendering & seamless operation >Application framework to optimize application to application & application to device interaction Fundamental Principles of BREW Client
BREW Client – 4.1 Overview Confidential and Proprietary 4 What’s in the Client? Multi Media >Camera >Camcorder >Media Control >Viewers >MIME handling >Vocoder Input >Keypad >Shoulder Keys >Joystick >Jogdial >Voice input Output >Primary Display >Secondary Display >TV out >Sound >Bluetooth Device Hardware >File Management >USB >Battery >Alarms >Thread/Task mgmt >Heap mgmt >Resource mgmt App Mgmt Framework >Download >App Manager >Interrupts >License >Cofigurations >Debuggers >Loggers Access Technology >IX, DO, UMTS >WLAN >Bluetooth >GPS >Telephony & SMS >Data, network, HTTP
BREW Client – 4.1 Overview Confidential and Proprietary 5 3.X BREW Client Architecture UI Framework Modem / Multimedia Engines / Protocol Stack Open BREW API (BREW Client) TrigPlayer Preloaded Applications 3 rd party Application Engines Core Application Engines User Interface Trigs BREW applications OEM Applications OEM Application Environment uiOne Client 3 rd Party Extensions Java Extensions BREW Applications Java Applications
BREW Client – 4.1 Overview Confidential and Proprietary 6 BREW Client Product BREW CLIENT Application environment, component and programming model full featured software platform optimized for wireless devices and secure OTA updates BREW SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT (SDK) Used by developers to create BREW applications, extensions, or other device executables. Includes BREW Simulator, API Reference Guide, and other application development resources BREW TOOLS SUITE (BTS) Set of tools necessary to commercialize applications for distribution and downloading. Allows Developers to load, test, and debug applications on BREW devices BREW PORTING EVALUATION KIT (PEK) A suite of test applications and user environment to report level of BREW support on a device. Used by OEMs for porting assistance and verification. Used by Operators for port compliance testing and confirmation
BREW Client – 4.1 Overview Confidential and Proprietary 7 Examples of BREW and Handset segments Low Tier Mid Tier High Tier Chipset (Examples) BREW Handset Segments BREW Client Modular Architecture Adaptable to All Handset tiers Memory Efficient Implementation Voice, SMS Voice, SMS, Static Apps Voice, SMS, Downloadable Apps V,SMS, Browser, Multimedia Camera, Streaming Video
BREW Client – 4.1 Overview Confidential and Proprietary 8 Open Discussion >Does the current BREW GHRC document help specify BREW for handsets? >What specific details would you like to see in the BREW GHRC document? >How would you like this document/effort to evolve?
BREW Client – 4.1 Overview Confidential and Proprietary 9 QUESTIONS?