Amateur Television in Central Ohio Art Towslee WA8RMC
ATV Topics What is ATV? What does the ATCO Club do in ATV? Is there an ATV Repeater in Central Ohio? If I “tuned in”… what would I see? How do I Tune In? What kind of equipment is used? Where can I get more information?
First ATV’ers? In 1927, Philo Farnsworth took out a Patent on a electronic TV system. Bell Labs transmitted pictures on the air. During the same year, the first coast to coast radio broadcasting network was inaugurated.
What is ATV? (Fast Scan) A special Amateur Radio broadcast mode conforming to commercial analog broadcast TV standards. Standard analog TVs, Cameras, VCRs or any device conforming to NTSC (US) standards are used by HAM TV Stations. Q: What bands can I transmit video ATV signals (fast scan)? A: All above 420 MHz MHz most common. Q: How far can I exchange video with another station? A: With normal 10 watt stations, about miles. (current 440 MHz land record is over 800 miles). Q: What Ham license level do I need? A: Technician or higher. Q: Can I use a TV and Camcorder I already own for ATV? A: Yes! More later.
ATV Distance Records (as of 2006) 440 Mhz (Land)831 Miles 440 Mhz (Water)2550 Miles 1200 Mhz373 Miles 2.4 GHz 65 Miles 5.7 GHz134 Miles 10 GHz639 miles 24GHz188 miles
ATCO Club Topics The ATCO Group Repeater System Public Service What’s Planned How to Contact ATCO *
The ATCO Group Formed in ATV Club Members Tuesday 9pm Net on Hi Profile ATV Repeater Quarterly Newsletter Internet Home Page Spring & Fall Events Pizza Parties Signal streaming on internet
The ATCO Repeater System High Profile Open Access Multi-Band Inputs & Outputs Beginner User Friendly High Up-Time Normal repeater for general amateur use Principle purpose to support Severe Weather Spotters Public Service
ATCO Repeater Input Frequencies 70 cm MHz VSB (H) 23 cm 1280 MHz DATV (V) 23 cm 1280 MHz FMATV(V) 13 cm 2398 MHz FMATV(V) 3 cm GHz FMATV(H) MHz NBFM (voice) (outputs to & MHz) The Repeater is located here…
ATCO Repeater Output Frequencies 70 cm MHz 40 watts (H) (Cable Channel 58) 23 cm 1245 MHz 10 watts (V) (Digital QPSK) 23 cm 1260 MHz 50 watts (V) 13 cm 2433 MHz 15 watts (V) 3 cm GHz 1 watt (H) NBFM (voice) 5 w (V) (repeats audio) …And the antennas are here.
ATCO Repeater System Features Weather RADAR Bulletin Board Automatic (30min) & Touch Tone DATV output on 1245 MHz Beacon Mode Roof Top Camera viewing Down Town Columbus User Commands on and MHz
ATCO Public Service Wx RADAR Program Columbus Police “Red White & BOOM!” Airport Disaster preparedness drill Central Ohio ARES TOSERT bike race “Hams & Public Service”
Short range Long range Roof Camera TT 697 (NWS) TT “264” (CMH ) Time Warner Weather RadarChannel 4 Local Radar
Repeater ID’s
ATV Signal Reports P0 (I think I see you!)P1 ( I see you!) P2 ( I can tell its really you!) P3 (Good Picture) P4 (Strong, a little snow) P5 ( Channel 10 Like!)
ATCO Bulletin Board TT 285 (“BUL”) +92
Frequently Used Command Codes On Touch Tone..... TX ID Bulletin Board Roof Top Camera Wx RADAR A whole bunch more... Every 30 Minutes See ATCO Newsletter 264 (CMH) & 697 (NWS)
ATCO Repeater System Planned Improvements Links to other ATV repeaters More remote inputs Lightning strike scope More...
ATCO Events Tuesday Night Net, 9pm Spring and Fall Meetings & Events Antenna measuring events Tour TV Stations Columbus Hamfest/meetings/presentations Red, White & Boom Quarterly newsletter Model Airplane CAM Pizza Parties
What would I see if I “tuned in”? Lots of Stuff!
KB8ZLB Greenfield, Oh Pete WA8RMC Installing Roof Camera
W8DMR, Bill Columbus,Oh KB8YMQ, Jay Columbus, Oh
WB8CJW, Dale Powell, Oh KB8WBK, Dave Jersey, Oh
N8KQN, Ted Franklinton,Oh K8AEH,Wilber Reynoldsberg, Oh
And even more test patterns!
Mobile ATV! W8RUT Take ATV on the Road!!
ATV Transceivers 439 MHz $60 Color Camera 1 Watt transceiver 20 Watt Transceiver
70 cm Converter PC Electronics 2.4 GHz Transmitter Re-packaged Wavecomm
Satellite Receivers are often used on 23cm Cost: $5-25 at Hamfests
Comtech boards are also available for 23 & 13 cm MHz Transmit board with module cover removed 1200 MHz receive board
How Do I “Tune In?” Cable Ready TV or VCR in “STD” mode tuned to Cable Channel 58 Connect antenna (disconnect cable!) Outside antenna best, “rabbit ears” may work if you are in the CMH area. Listen on 2 meters …. Watch for bulletin board every half hour Tuesday nite net, 9pm (lots of video check-in)
Tuesday 9 pm is the best time to see all of these and more stations… Otherwise you might see just…. Also look on the hour and half hour for Bulletin Board Remember! Cable channel 58 and external antenna!
More Info About ATV ATCO Internet Home Page: Quarterly ATCO Newsletter: contact WA8RMC ATVQ Magazine: Net: Tuesday 9pm PC ELECTRONICS: DOWN EAST MICROWAVE: www.
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