Equipment selection and recording tips edTPA Video
edTPA Video Requirements The quality of your video must be sufficient for scorers who will be reviewing your clip(s) to be able to view and hear the classroom activities you recorded.
edTPA Video Requirements You will not be required or expected to create a video clip that is a professional-quality production.
edTPA Video Requirements Do not use sophisticated features such as titles opening and closing credits, music accompaniment, or special effects. The video clip must be unedited.
Selecting Equipment iPad (50 minute limit) Smart Phone Laptop with webcam Desktop with webcam Old camcorder Even a VHS-style recording device. Bank Street has the converting equipment.
Position your device Near the teacher so his/her voice is clear This will also allow recorder to capture everything with little movement
Position your device With the light behind your recording device or you won’t see faces
On a stable surface Tripod if you have it. Books work, too!
Avoid zooming too much Sit far enough back to capture the group without too much movement, but close enough to record sound
Test it out Before your official lesson, test the limit of your equipment Can you hear it? Is the image clear enough to see? Does the device have a recording limit?
Record more than you need Record the entire activity so you have more material to work with for editing
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