TE/MPE/EM/PMT Collaborations Rui de Oliveira on behalf of PCB workshop team 29/11/20121
outline RD51 Patents Scientific Publications Trainings Technical student FP7 and AIDA 29/11/20122
RD 51 Collaboration News Leszek Ropelewski (CERN), Maxim Titov (CEA Saclay) 10 th RD51 Collaboration Meeting, Stony Brook, USA, October 1-4, RD51 Member Institutes; ~ 450 Participants
Consolidation around common projects: large area MPGD R&D, CERN/MPGD production facility, common electronics developments, software tools, beam tests RD51 Large area (MM, GEM, THGEM) Design optimization (e.g. THGEM, Resistive MM) “RD51 Common Projects” (Generic R&D) Software and Simulation MPGD SRS MPGD SRSElectronics CERN MPGD Workshop & Industrialization RD51 Common Test Beam Facility WG5: WG4: WG1: WG2: WG7: WG6:
RD51 Report in the LHCC Open Session on June 13, 2012 RD51 Report in the LHCC Open Session on June 13, LHCC Committee, Draft Minutes Draft Minutes(CERN/LHCC-2012/008) The continuation of the access to the CERN MPGD Workshop with associate manpower in support of technical maintenance and further development of MPGD technologies
PMT participation in RD51 WG1 :R&D on new structures, PMT have introduce: – Bulk Micromega ( with Saclay collaboration) – Resistive protections (with Atlas Collaboration) – Large GEM (with CERN GDD/CMS/INFN Frascati/TUM Munich …) – GEM embedded stretching system (PMT) WG5: electronics – Layout (design office Betty) – Prototype production – Subcontracting advice and companies visits (fine pitch and Chip on board) WG6 :Industrialisation – Companies visits (more than 10) – TT transfer with selected companies – Institutes trainings – 2 Conveners (Fabio and Rui) 29/11/20126
CERN/ PMT Patents Large size GEM Chemical micro-vias Resistive protections Special capacitive couplings to reduce electronic channel count in gas detectors Piggy Back Micromegas Micro BULK Micromegas PG and TPG thermal management devices (sold to Queen Mary college) 29/11/20127
Scientific Publications 29/11/20128 More than 40 publications as co/Authors on the following subjects: – First Bulk Micromegas – CMS High Eta – Piggy back – Micro Bulk – Resistive protections – Rare event detectors, Low background – Neutron detectors – Large area GEM – Spherical GEM – Cylindrical GEM detectors – Cast experiment – Compass experiment – Thermal management devices – Low Mass thermal management device – Chemical micro-vias – 2D read-outs for gas detectors – FGLD detectors – UV to Visible Wave length shifter (ArDM) (in construction) – Flex Embedded silicon (in construction)
9 Formal Trainings 29/11/2012 GEM production training: – Techtra 2 weeks (Polish institute) – Xiaomei Li (CIAE Beijing) 1 week next February Micromegas production training: – CEA Saclay (BULK and resistive protection) many – CEA Saclay : BULK facility Saclay – CIREA and ELTOS (BULK and resistive) 2 CERN + 2 ELTOS – INFN Frascati (Large Micromegas detector) 2 THGEM production – VECC KolKata (polyurethane protection) 1 – Weissmann institute Israel (test and Cleaning) 2 Spray solder mask deposition – Cirly one
Technical students projects 29/11/ Embedded active silicon devices (Kim-Eigard Hines) – Low mass detectors MHSP detectors (Mafalda Macatrao) – Low Ion Feed Back detectors Chemical Microvias (Victor Da Silva) – General High density circuits Self stretching Triple GEM detectors (Christian Waltz) – CMS High Eta Muon Chamber upgrade Spark study (Cosimo Cantini) – Improve THGEM immunity to sparks – ATLAS Muon Chamber upgrade Optimisation of resistive layers in MM detectors (Silvia Franchino) – For Higher rate detector applications
Projects FP7, AIDA PMT was involved in an FP7 project in collaboration with 7 institutes, for the development of large size GEMs – Part of the R&D on large size GEM have been financed by this program PMT is involved now in the AIDA program for consolidation of Detector infrastructures – Aida contribution consist in financing the salary of one fellow during 2 years – The task is to set up all machines needed for prototyping large size detector – 9 machines have been bought, 6 are running (total budget 785 KCHF) – The installation of the 3 last ones needs a 1 week stop of the whole activity (we are now looking for the best opportunity). The R&D on large detectors will not be stopped. 29/11/201211
Thank you 29/11/201212