New Broadcasting Media
Video Sharing Community Upload own clips Watch Other Clips Anything is allowed as long as it is not copyrighted/inappropriate Run by a small staff of 70
Something we all personally use Extremely Popular Ease of use Fuels creativity A whim can be an online hit
Formed by 3 friends in 2004/2005 All employees of PayPal In Nov 2005 Sequoia Capital invested an initial $3.5 million By mid 2006 over 100 million clips viewed daily Purchased by google in october 2006 for 1.6 billion dollars In June 2006 partnered with NBC
With the introduction of JVC Enviro series, Youtube uploading became even easy. The range of mid level amateur digital cameras have one touch Youtube upload. Rivals the ‘Flip’ camcorder which offers the same capacity but on more like ‘Webcam’ quality. Adds more ease of use.
63,662,679 Us Visitors per months 10 hours of footage uploaded per minute 3 rd most viewed website 3.9% of the traffic comes from the uk Demographic is 18-55, even split of sexes
Provides an opportunity to air material that might not otherwise get aired. Extremely easy to upload Videos Ability to embed videos means more people can view it View counter means you can keep a track of how popular your film is
65% of websites run faster than it Lots of copyrighted material on there – takes away from the artist. 10 minute cap Low quality of clips What one person finds funny might be boring to somebody else Reptition
Moisés Naím of the Los Angeles Times Belives that youtube can create a lot of mistruths, but in essence polices it itself ‘The good news is that the YouTube effect is already creating a strong demand for reliable guides — individuals, institutions and technologies — that we can trust to help us sort facts from lies online. The millions of bloggers who are constantly watching, fact-checking and exposing mistakes are a powerful example of "the wisdom of crowds" being assisted by a technology that is as open and omnipresent as we are.’
Jim Patterson, product manager at YouTube, said: "I think we are seeing the emergence of a new generation of users who use the Web in an entirely different way. They have grown up with online video as part of their lives, with interactivity as part of their lives. "To a large number of them, YouTube is central to their notion of the web. Looking for the answer to any question, they start with YouTube, preferring the result to be expressed as a video. Today, users can access YouTube anywhere at anytime whether at home, or at work, from their PC, their phone, or even their TV."
Mike Harvey of The Times says The democratisation of online video means that millions of people are expressing themselves with short homemade movie clips. Video has gone from being a medium of mass passive entertainment to one of mass interactive communication. The only question now seems to be: have you got anything (interesting) to say?
Will have free to air digital channels broadcasting over it – E4,CNN Etc Political announcements uploaded onto you tube – Budget etc Have a paid area where films can be viewed legally View ship increasing because of the recession.
Integration with twitter, to form a short video update site called ‘YouTwitter’ Being integrated into education more, In 2007 the University of Berkley started to upload their more popular lectures onto You Tube Medical lectures are also being loaded up onto youtube..
With YouTube users being proven to be 1.5 more times engaged with the advertising on YouTube than on television advertisement on the site will become even more of a premium The surge of viral campaigns will continue to grow as it is cheaper and also gains more customers from it. The current economical state will also add to this
Good, simple website Fast growth – seems sustainable Not many advances Really set for the future ?