MDM, WEST BENGAL SL No. ITEMS AWP&B AWP&B Approved Received including O/B Proposed 1Cooking Cost Primary U/ Pry Cost of food grains Honorarium to cook cum helpers Transportation cost Management Monitoring & Evaluation (MME) Kitchen shed-- 7Kitchen devices Total
Year PrimaryUpper Primary Remarks CentralStateTotalCentralStateTotal Up to June, From July, Proposed MDM, WEST BENGAL
(99.98 %) (99.89 %) (95.90 %) (94.28%)
MDM, WEST BENGAL (97.18%)( %)
Components Allocation for (Rs. In Lakh) O/B (Rs. In Lakh) Fund released (Rs. In Lakh) Availability of fund (Rs. In Lakh) Utilization (Rs. In Lakh) % of expenditure against allocation Cooking Cost Primary U. Primary Transportation cost Management Monitoring & Evaluation (MME) Honorarium to cook cum Helpers Cost of Food grains TOTAL ComponentAllocation for O/BLifting Availability of food grains Utilization % of expenditure against allocation Food grains/Rice (in MT) During to
MDM, WEST BENGAL Allocation for FY Opening Balance as on Central Assistanc e Released by GOI Bills raised by FCIPayment to FCI Payment to FCI against bills raised Qty (in MTs) Amount (in Lakh) Qty (in MTs) Amount (in Lakh) % (Rs. In Lakh) As on
MDM, WEST BENGAL As on Total No. of eligible schools Unit SanctionedCompletedIn ProgressNot StartedProposal As on Total No. of eligible schools Total No. of sanctioned units + Replacement Procured Proposal for replacement of kitchen devices procured in
MDM, WEST BENGAL Visiting Officers No. of Schools visited Findings No. of schools running satisfactorily No. of intermittent schools No. of schools not running MDM State Level District Magistrates & his Officers (ADMs, SDOs, OC-MDM, BDOs & Jt. BDOs) DIs & his Officers (ADIs, AIs, SIs,) Total
MDM, WEST BENGAL Grievance redressal mechanism is in place at the State, District Block & Municipality Levels. The Committee at Block or Municipality enquires into all complaints related to the MDM Programme and takes remedial measures within 30 days from the date of receipt of the complaints. Complaint Boxes are kept at every level. A dedicated telephone number ( ) has been set up at the State Head Quarters and details of the same have been shared in the website 277 complaints have been disposed of, out of 286 complaints. Online Grievance Monitoring system also has been introduced.
MDM, WEST BENGAL Engagement of DEOs at each block (341), Municipality (122), and Municipal Corporation Level (6) is almost completed. Allotment has already been given from state exchequer for construction of dining halls (969) in Jungle-Mahal and Sundarban areas. Besides above, 942 dining halls have been constructed at different districts with the help of local administration. Testing of food samples by West Bengal Public Health Laboratory (Pastur) has been started in Kolkata district. Direct fund transfer to the A/cs of Cook–cum–Helpers through Blocks has been started.
MDM, WEST BENGAL Baseline Survey on Nutritional Assessment by NNMB (National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau West Bengal Unit) has been done. Kitchen gardens are being developed in schools where space is available. At present 1594 no. of Kitchen gardens have been developed at school level. It has been decided to engage one Monitoring Institute in each district so that the monitoring mechanism becomes vibrant. Use of AGMARK packaged oil & iodized salt in preparation of Mid-Day- Meals are maintained.
MDM, WEST BENGAL A residential training of Cook Cum Helpers has been done at IHM, Taratala. Recently Hooghly District has completed training of 2700 Cook cum- helpers and 1000 teachers involved in CMDMP. Arrangement of Hand washing before and after meal has been made in each and every school. State Government has allowed Rs. 500/- as additional honorarium per month per Cook cum helper since October, Posts of MIS-coordinators dedicated for MDM at State Head Quarters and District Levels have been created and fund for the same is provided from the State Government Budget. Cook cum-helpers have bank A/Cs.
DIs / ADIs / AIs / SIs and Headmaster/ Headmistress of different Govt. schools have taken training on MDM implementation at ATI, Kolkata. Emergency telephone numbers have been painted on the walls of the schools - JRM Involvement of teachers in schools has helped taking MDM by the students in an orderly manner – JRM Monitoring system at the State level, is overall good. Involvement of BDO for maintaining rice quality is no doubt praiseworthy – JRM Block is transferring money directly to the account of SHG, thereby reducing the time gap of fund flow – JRM Supply of disposable plates to the students by the schools for taking MDM during examination days - JRM
MDM, WEST BENGAL Repairing cost for kitchen sheds may be allowed. Fund for transporting meals from cluster kitchens to the school premises may by allowed. Rs 5000 for kitchen devices is inadequate for schools with higher enrolment. Kitchen sheds constructed with the ceiling of Rs. 60,000/- per unit cost do not have store room. Fund for construction of dining halls may be considered for allotment. Initial installation charge for LPG connection need to be considered. Most of the Upper Primary schools have students from class V-X or XII, but MDM is allowed only for students in class V–VIII. So serving of MDM is a problem.
MDM, WEST BENGAL Quality of rice is good in all schools. Safe keeping of rice bags is satisfactory with little variation in small number of schools. Availability of cooking cost at school level is regular with minor exception. Most of the schools have Pucca Kitchen –cum store. Payment of Honorarium to Cook-cum helper is delayed in few cases but it has improved compared to earlier times. Availability of Potable water is noticed in many schools. Service of MDM to the students in schools is regular. Monitoring of MDMS should be strengthened. Community participation in performance of MDMS is not up to the mark. Poor performance of school health Programme.
Vidyasagar G.S.F.P. Vidyalaya under Taherpur Block, Nadia
24 Bajit pur High School, Birbhum Birbhum
25 Keudisole Primary School, Jhargram Block,Paschim Medinipur
27 Parbatipur High School, Domjur, Howrah
28 Sargachi Ramkrishna Mission
32 NarayantalaRamkrishnaVidyamandir, South 24 Pgs
33 JenkinsSchool, Cooch behar Cooch behar
34 Balurghat Girls High School, Dakshin Dinajpur
35 Chechai F.P. School, Dakshin Dinajpur
36 Kharda High School, Amta –I, Howrah