The problem Batch (offline) processing of huge data set using commodity hardware Linear scalability Need infrastructure to handle all the mechanics, allow for developer to focus on the processing logic/algorithms
Data Sets The New York Stock Exchange: 1 Terabyte of data per day Facebook: 100 billion of photos, 1 Petabyte(1000 Terabytes) Internet Archive: 2 Petabyte of data, growing by 20 Terabytes per month Can’t put data on a single node, need distributed file system to hold it
Batch processing Single write/append multiple reads Analyze Log files for most frequent URL Each data entry is self-contained At each step, each data entry can be treated individually After the aggregation, each aggregated data set can be treated individually
Grid Computing Grid computing Cluster of processing nodes attached to shared storage through fiber (typically Storage Area Network) Work well for computation intensive tasks, problem with huge data sets as network become a bottleneck Programming paradigm: Low level Message Passing Interface (MPI)
Hadoop Open-source implementation of 2 key ideas HDFS: Hadoop distributed file system Map-Reduce: Programming Model Build based on Google infrastructure (GFS, Map- Reduce papers published 2003/2004) Java/Python/C interfaces, several projects built on top of it
Approach Limited but simple model fit to broad range of applications Handle communications, redundancies, scheduling in the infrastructure Move computation to data instead of moving data to computation
Who is using Hadoop?
Distributed File System (HDFS) Files are split into large blocks (128M, 64M) Compare with typical FS block of 512Bytes Replicated among Data Nodes(DN) 3 copies by default Name Node (NN) keeps track of files and pieces Single Master node Stream-based I/O Sequential access
HDFS: File Read
HDFS: File Write
HDFS: Data Node Distance
Map Reduce A Programming Model Decompose a processing job into Map and Reduce stages Developer need to provide code for Map and Reduce functions, configure the job and let Hadoop handle the rest
Map-Reduce Model
MAP function Map each data entry into a pair Examples Map each log file entry into Map day stock trading record into
Hadoop: Shuffle/Merge phase Hadoop merges(shuffles) output of the MAP stage into Examples
Reduce function Reduce entries produces by Hadoop merging processing into pair Examples Map into
Map-Reduce Flow
Hadoop Infrastructure Replicate/Distribute data among the nodes Input Output Map/Shuffle output Schedule Processing Partition Data Assign processing nodes (PN) Move code to PN(e.g. send Map/Reduce code) Manage failures (block CRC, rerun MAP/Reduce if necessary)
Example: Trading Data Processing Input: Historical Stock Data Records are CSV (comma separated values) text file Each line : stock_symbol, low_price, high_price data for all stocks one record per stock per day Output: Maximum interday delta for each stock
Map Function: Part I
Map Function: Part II
Reduce Function
Running the Job : Part I
Running the Job: Part II
Inside Hadoop
Datastore: HBASE Distributed Column-Oriented database on top of HDFS Modeled after Google’s BigTable data store Random Reads/Writes on to of sequential stream- oriented HDFS Billions of Rows * Millions of Columns * Thousands of Versions
HBASE: Logical View Row KeyTime Stamp Column Contents Column Family Anchor (Referred by/to) Column “mime” “com.cnn.www” T6“.. “Text/html T5“.. “ t3“.. “
Physical View Row KeyTime StampColumn: Contents Com.cnn.wwwT6“..” T5“..” T3“..” Row KeyTime StampColumn Family: Anchor Row KeyTime StampColumn: mime Com.cnn.wwwT6text/html
HBASE: Region Servers Tables are split into horizontal regions Each region comprises a subset of rows HDFS Namenode, dataNode MapReduce JobTracker, TaskTracker HBASE Master Server, Region Server
HBASE Architecture
HBASE vs RDMS HBase tables are similar to RDBS tables with a difference Rows are sorted with a Row Key Only cells are versioned Columns can be added on the fly by client as long as the column family they belong to preexists