Ancient Asia. Ancient India Geography Himalayas separate India and China Himalayas separate India and China Hindu Kush Mountains do not provide complete.


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Presentation transcript:

Ancient Asia

Ancient India Geography Himalayas separate India and China Himalayas separate India and China Hindu Kush Mountains do not provide complete isolation because of mountain passes Hindu Kush Mountains do not provide complete isolation because of mountain passes Monsoons (seasonal winds that bring rain) drenching the western coast Monsoons (seasonal winds that bring rain) drenching the western coast 2 River Valleys 2 River ValleysIndusGanges

Ancient India While Egypt were building pyramids, India were planning cities along the Indus River Harappa Harappa Mohenjo-Daro Mohenjo-Daro

Ancient India and Sumer Both shared the flooding of their rivers Both traded with each other around the time of Sargon of Akkad Both had polytheistic religions

Ancient India Cities Fortified walls Very gridlike layout of cities Created by oven-baked bricks Plumbing systems rivaling 19 th century cities

Ancient India Early civilization on the Indus River eventually ended and no one knows why Could be a war, but no damage River could move, but parts of cities still there People could have wore out the land, but no proof


Aryans A group of Indo-Europeans called Aryans invaded India by the use of the Khyber Pass Destroyer Empire

Aryans Sacred literature is the Vedas Bible of the Aryans Bible of the Aryans Originally orally passed down Originally orally passed down 4 collections of prayers, magical spells, and instructions of rituals 4 collections of prayers, magical spells, and instructions of rituals Rig Veda most important (1028 hymns) Rig Veda most important (1028 hymns)

Aryans start game Caste System- social class structure Determines role in society Determines role in society Permanent member of that caste Permanent member of that caste Cannot move up from your caste Cannot move up from your caste 4 classes Top is Priests (Brahmins) Top is Priests (Brahmins) Second is Rulers and Warriors (Kshatriyas) Second is Rulers and Warriors (Kshatriyas) Third is Peasants and Traders (Vaishyas) Third is Peasants and Traders (Vaishyas) Last is Laborers (Shudras) Last is Laborers (Shudras) Untouchables outside of caste Their touch would endanger the Hindus (pariah) Their touch would endanger the Hindus (pariah)

Aryans Literature Mahabharata Famous hero was Krishna 106,000 verses= longest single poem Never written down for hundreds of years Epics-moral story Written in Sanskrit

Aryans Religion Hinduism Oldest Religion and polytheistic Bible is the Vedas Upanishads written later to help explain Vedas

Aryans 3 gods and you get to choose which you worship Brahma (creator) Brahma (creator) Vishnu (protector) Vishnu (protector) Shiva (destroyer) Shiva (destroyer)

Aryans Reincarnation or rebirth of the soul Karma-total good or bad deeds in your lifetime Decides where you go in your next life

Aryans Once you discover the perfect understanding they will be released from life

Aryans Jainism Founded by Mahavira Everything has a soul and should not be harmed=nonviolence Sweep ants off the path and wear masks so not to accidentally swallow insects Tolerant of other religions, so not many converts

Aryans Buddhism Created by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) Prophecy Travel= spiritual leader Travel= spiritual leader Do not travel= great king Do not travel= great king

Aryans Goal-Reach enlightenment (wisdom) Know 4 Noble Truths Everything in life is suffering and sorrow Everything in life is suffering and sorrow Cause of suffering is people’s desire for temporary pleasure Cause of suffering is people’s desire for temporary pleasure Way to end suffering is to end desire Way to end suffering is to end desire To overcome desire follow the Eightfold Path To overcome desire follow the Eightfold Path Follow the Eightfold Path to reach Nirvana (release of selfishness and pain)

Aryans Believed in reincarnation and cycle world Women could be Buddhists, but Buddha feared women’s presence would distract the men


China Geography Surrounded by the Himalayas Gobi Desert Pacific Ocean Civilization started on the Huang He (Yellow) River

China Xia is a mythical dynasty under Yu who controlled flooding No records exists of this dynasty No records exists of this dynasty Shang Dynasty was the 1 st dynasty recorded Anyang, a wooden city, with huge walls was the capital

China Social Social Family was most important in Chinese society Elder men controlled family life Girls have arranged marriages at Spirits of their ancestors helped or hindered the family depending on how much you respect them

China Writing 1 st Writing was carving on bones or tortoise shells Later Chinese writing started using characters for ideas (one could read Chinese and not speak it)=10,000 characters

China Technology Shang had bronze for tools and weapons Shang also made silk

China Zhou Dynasty took over from the Shang Started the Mandate of Heaven (divine approval for just Chinese rulers) Dynastic Cycle formed-rise, decline, and replacement of Chinese dynasties

China Zhou also created iron, however their weak government led to a period of warring states

China For 500 years the people of China were fighting for control of the empire Qin Dynasty under Shi Huangdi (first emperor) reconquered China

China With executions, uprooting of noble families Shi Huangdi unified China Started autocracy (government where ruler has unlimited power and uses it) He started road and irrigation building using peasants

China He also built the Great Wall to protect China from invaders from the north (1400 miles long)

China Shi Huangdi died and the Qin dynasty with him

China Yin and Yang Two opposite forces that compliment each other

China Scholar Confucius urged harmony during the warring years Scholar Confucius urged harmony during the warring years He started Confucianism which is a social order

China Confucianism Talks about the 5 relationships Ruler and subject Ruler and subject Father and son Father and son Husband and wife Husband and wife Older brother and younger brother Older brother and younger brother Friend and friend Friend and friend Told how to govern wisely His lessons were put in Analects by his students

China Started bureaucracy (trained civil service) Education was very important

China Daoism Created by Laozi who wrote The Way of Virtue His belief was “the Way” guides all things No right or wrong, good or bad because those arguments are pointless Nature has no right or wrong=follow nature Many are scientists

China Legalism Highly efficient and powerful government Use punishment to enforce laws Burn books that tell people to criticize the government