Combining the outcomes of CARARE and 3D-COFORM to capture in 3D, store, manage and retrieve the digital Monuments of Europe at best Andrea D’Andrea, CISA This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme
Task 6.1 … extension to the CARARE schema to support provenance, and London charter paradata required for quality assurance of 3D models Provenance = metadata describing entities and process involved in producing of the 3D objects London charter Paradata = metadata describing the rationale/motivation behind the 3d data-acquisition process For the provenance = CRM dig (extension of CIDOC-CRM) For London charter Paradata = CIDOC-CRM WP6. SCOPE
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Information about human processes of understanding and interpretation of data objects. Examples of paradata include descriptions stored within a structured dataset of how evidence was used to interpret an artifact, or a comment on methodological premises within a research publication. It is closely related, but somewhat different in emphasis, to "contextual metadata", which tend to communicate interpretations of an artifact or collection, rather than the process through which one or more artifacts were processed or interpreted. PARADATA
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme CARARE SCHEMA CARARE record is focused on a heritage asset and its relations to digital resources, activities and to collection information. The top level elements in a CARARE record are: CARARE Wrap – The CARARE schema wrap, it wraps one or many CARARE records. CARARE – The CARARE start element. It wraps the Heritage Asset with the other information resources (Collection information, Digital Resource and Activity): Heritage asset – holds the metadata for a monument, including descriptive and administrative metadata. Zero or one. Digital resource – holds the metadata about a digital resource. One or more. Collection information – holds the collection-level description. Zero or more. Activity – holds the metadata about an event or activity. Zero or more.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme EDM 5.v524_ owl
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Physical Thing = Heritage Asset = E18 Physical Thing CARARE 3D-COFORM Reusing previous data and provenance Heritage Asset + Acquisition Event + Process Event Heritage Asset + Acquisition Event + Process Event EDM 5.v524_ owl
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme CARARE + CRM dig Heritage Asset Collection E18E78 Heritage Asset E18 Heritage Asset E18 L1Was_Digitised By DIGITITATION EVENT DataCapture1 DataCapture2 DataCapture3 DataCapture4 DIGITAL OBJECT(S) Real objects no photos! Curator Place Owner Rights Etc Digital Resource (s) Activity Collection Curator Place Owner Rights Etc L20Has_Created SCHEMA EXTENSION
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme CARARE + CRM dig DIGITITATION EVENTDataCapture1...n DOCUMENTATION CALIBRATION DIGITAL OBJECT(S) P9Consists of DIGITAL OBJECT(S) L2Was_Source_For Filtering/ Cleaning Software Execution L2Was_Source_For L20Has_Created DIGITAL OBJECT(S) FORMAL DERIVATION Post-Processing (mesh, decimation) L20Has_Created DIGITAL OBJECT(S) FINAL MODEL SCHEMA EXTENSION Acquisition Event Process Event
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Heritage Asset E18 L1Was_Digitised By DIGITITATION EVENT Real objects no photos! DATA ACQUISITION EVENT L12Happened_On_Device DIGITAL_DEVICE P7Tool_Place_At TEMPORAY PLACE/PLACE P14Carried_Out_By ACTOR/GROUP/LEGAL BODY P75Possess RIGHTS Rights about digital data P3Has_Note STRINGS PARAMETERS P4Has_Time-Span TIME-SPAN FOAF GEONAMES DBPEDIA GEONAMES DBPEDIA Thesaurus DBPEDIA Thesaurus CARARE + CRM dig
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Heritage Asset E18 L1Was_Digitised By DIGITITATION EVENT) Real objects no photos! DATA CAPTURE EVENTS P9Consist_Of CARARE + CRM dig For each object we have different Digitisation Events P9Consist_Of DATA CAPTURE 1DATA CAPTURE 2DATA CAPTURE 3 L12Happened_On_Device DIGITAL_DEVICE P3Has_Note STRINGS if it is necessary to deepen some aspect of the parameters of data- capture event DIGITAL OBJECT(S) Digital Resource (s) L20Has_Created RAW DATA
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Heritage Asset E18 L1Was_Digitised By DIGITITATION EVENT) Real objects no photos! DATA PROCESSING EVENTS 1 CARARE + CRM dig P9Consist_Of DATA CAPTURE 1 DIGITAL OBJECT(S) Digital Resource (s) L20Has_Created RAW DATA L2Was_Source_For Software Execution L2Was_Source_For L20Has_Created DIGITAL OBJECT(S) FORMAL DERIVATION L20Has_Created DIGITAL OBJECT(S) FILTERING CLEANING REGISTERING ALIGNMENT MESHING TEXTURING STEP2 STEP3 STEP1
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Heritage Asset E18 L1Was_Digitised By DIGITITATION EVENT Real objects no photos! DATA ACQUISITION DOCUMENTATION P9Consist_Of DOCUMENTATION PROCESS(S) L20Has_Created DIGITAL OBJECT(S) Files, photos, reports, movies, etc. P14Carried_Out_By ACTOR/GROUP/LEGAL BODY FOAF If different from actor involved in DATA ACQUISITION EVENT P7Tool_Place_At TEMPORAY PLACE/PLACE GEONAMES DBPEDIA GEONAMES DBPEDIA If different from Time in DATA ACQUISITION EVENT CARARE + CRM dig
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Heritage Asset E18 L1.Was_Digitised By DIGITITATION EVENT Real objects no photos! CALIBRATION PROCESS P9.Consist_Of CALIBRATION PROCESS (S) L20.Has_Created DIGITAL OBJECT(S) Notes or device Logfile P4Has_Time-Span TIME-SPAN If precedent from DATA ACQUISITION EVENT P7Tool_Place_At TEMPORAY PLACE/PLACE GEONAMES DBPEDIA GEONAMES DBPEDIA If different from Time in DATA ACQUISITION EVENT CARARE + CRM dig
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Heritage Asset E18 L1.Was_Digitised By DIGITITATION EVENT Real objects no photos! PARADATA P21Had_General_Purpose TYPE CREATION EVENT P20Had_Specific_Purpose List of possible general motivation: Tourism 3D-ICONS Duplicate Restoration Etc... If I planned a digitisation event on the basis of a design I have to model the event providing the design CARARE + CRM dig
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme PARADATA Some tests
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme PARADATA Some tests
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme PARADATA Some tests
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme PARADATA Some tests
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme INGESTION TOOL Event Creation
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Output INGESTION TOOL
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Definition Digital Objects INGESTION TOOL
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Create Actor/Group INGESTION TOOL
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Description of Physical Object INGESTION TOOL
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Setup Device INGESTION TOOL
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Documentation Event Creation INGESTION TOOL
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme <rdf:RDF xml:lang="en" xmlns:rdf=" xmlns:rdfs=" xmlns:crm= " xmlns:crmdig=" xmlns:skos=" DAndrea, Andrea Andrea DAndrea Output Actor (rdf) INGESTION TOOL
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Achille’s TOOL ACHILLE’S TOOL A web interface based on php scripts and DR2SQL for RDF triples
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Possible lines P1 P2 CARARE EDM Provenance Paradata + Europeana CARARE + Two strategies? Available Metadata National/Local Authorities Mapping MINT Mapping MINT
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission‘s CIP ICT PSP programme Further outcomes - LOD LINKED OPEN DATA