CONCEPT, THEORY, CASE Deciphering the Differences 1
Outline 1. Definitions 2. Debates in Academia 3. Quantitative vs. Qualitative Approaches 4. Applying Theory to Case 2
1. Definitions – Concept A concept is one word, or phrase, that suggests an abstract idea or phenomenon in the social sciences. Concepts are highly contested (think about this in light of your literature review). Concepts can be ambiguous – thus a major task in theoretical writing is to clarify our understanding of them, especially in your essays Concepts are building blocks for theory – it is important to be clear what you mean when you use them! 3
-Think about the concept of authoritarianism/non-democratic regimes. What do you understand by it? -In your opinion, what are its components? -What are the similarities/differences of your definitions? -Anyone??? Class exercise: What is Nationalism? 4
1. Definitions – Theory Theories are an attempt to logically and systematically explain real-life phenomena in an accessible and clear way. 5
1. Definitions – Theory Theories have different functions: Make generalizations i.e. grand theories try to explain how the world works e.g. Marxism or Modernization Build hypotheses to be tested through empirical research Explain/identify potential causal mechanisms and other relationships between different phenomena 6
1. Definitions – Model Models are mid-level theories that are restricted to specific phenomena. They work as analytical tools, simplifying specific phenomena, and use a set of specific concepts to look at a phenomenon. They are often based on greater theories, however, scholars with different theoretical standpoints can use the same models as tools of analysis. Example: Bellin’s model of the coersive appartus. Is this a model 7
1. Definitions – Variable Variables are concepts that are defined in such a way that they can be observed and/or measured in some way. Variables can be evaluated in terms of to their validity and reliability. We distinguish between dependent and independent variables. 8
2. Debates in Academia? Academia is all about debates – can you think of some? Theories evolve over time and with debates. 9
Scholarly Debates in Com Pol Is democratic emergence endogenous or exogenous in terms of development? Is national identity the central identity of our global system? i.e. Religious identity replaced by state identity What best explains the endurance of authoritarian regimes? Is there a practical difference between pressure groups and political parties? 10
3. Quantitative vs. Qualitative Approaches - Quantitative and qualitative approaches often ask and answer different questions, so that they may conceptualise ideas/phenomena differently despite often using the same words. - When using a quantitative approach, scholars must use concepts in a way in which they are quantifiable. - Qualitative approaches can allow for much broader conceptualisations. 11
Class exercise: Conceptualising “Democracy” for a Qualitative and a Quantitative Study QualitativeQuantitative 12
What are some of the differences between quantitative methods and qualitative methods? 13 Quantitative Tests hypothesis. Concepts are in the form of measurable variables. Data is in the form of numbers. The analysis often uses statistics, tables and charts. Qualitative May start with an initial hypothesis, but could also gather initial data and then formulate a hypothesis. Concepts are often ideas that are substantiated by observation or interviews. Data is often in the form of words and images. The analysis involves extracting themes from evidence.
4. Applying theory to case. In this course, we apply different theories and models, employing different concepts, to analyse specific events in history, i.e. cases. Theories and models by definition are analytical tools that simplify the “reality” of a case in order to make it analysable. Thus, different theoretical lenses simplify cases in different ways, and thus can shed light on different aspects of a conflict, as they ask questions differently. 14
Conclusion What is a… …concept? …theory? …model? …variable? What makes good research? Is quantitative always better than qualitative? What is the use of applying theories to a case? 15