Types of Governments.


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Presentation transcript:

Types of Governments

After the Test Answer the following questions What type of government do we have in America? Who do you think was the worst leader in history? Do you think the people should have a say in government?

NC 1.08 Government Systems

Objectives SWBAT identify various forms of government SWBAT explain characteristics of the American form of government

-- What do you think is going on in this picture -- What do you think is going on in this picture? -- What type of government do you think it might represent?

Notes 2 What is a Citizen? What is Civics? A legal member of any country What is Civics? The study of what it means to be a US citizen What are the purposes of government? Help people cooperate Provide services: education, roads, protection Provide laws which guide and protect us Guarantee freedoms

Notes pg. 2 DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENTS Democracy: rule by the people Direct Democracy: all citizens meet in one place and make decisions/laws. Representative Democracy: citizens elect representatives to make decisions. Republic: AKA Representative Democracy, people consent to have elected reps. make decisions NOTE: In America we have a Democratic Republic or a Representative Democracy.

Types of Monarchy Monarchy: Rule by a king or a queen Limited monarchy: King/queen rules with an elected parliament (ex: England) Constitutional monarchy: King/queen’s power is limited by a constitution written by the people Absolute Monarchy: King/queen has ALL power and control.

In England you have a queen who is the ceremonial leader, but she does not have much decision-making power. The Parliament has the decision-making power. Parliament is what they call Congress in England. People are elected to serve in the Parliament. The Parliament picks the Prime Minister which is the head of the country.

Notes 2 NON DEMOCRATIC SYSTEMS Dictatorship: ONE Ruler “dictator,” has complete power over people and the gov’t (ex: Hitler) Autocracy: AKA dictatorship. One ruler, ALL power. Totalitarianism: Ruler has total control over the lives of people. Censors what people see, say and do (ex: North Korea). Theocracy: gov’t is controlled by religious leaders who claim to rule on behalf of God or the gods. Oligarchy: rule by a few Aristocracy: Rule by the wealthy classes

Notes 2 Economic and Government Systems Capitalism: economic system where individuals privately own goods, property and businesses. The $$ you have is based on what you earn. Socialism: common ownership of all goods. Government controls all goods/property and distributes equally to the people (ex: Cuba). Communism: equal ownership and distribution of all goods and property. Power is shared equally by all.

EOC Practice Which term best describes a government in which citizens elect representatives to act for them? Limited monarchy Democratic republic Autocracy oligarchy

EOC Practice How is direct democracy similar to representative democracy? Both assume a large population. Both assume a diverse population. Both attempt to establish the will of the people. Both attempt to establish the will of societal leaders.

PIT: Island Assignment Imagine that you and twenty of your classmates survived the crash of Oceanic flight 815. You landed on a remote island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. You don’t know when you’ll be rescued and as far as you can tell there is no one else on the island. You have no way to communicate with the outside world as your cell phones do not work on the island and all GPS and radar was destroyed in the crash. With your group make an “Island Survival Plan” for all of the survivors of the crash. You must ultimately determine what the best system of government will be for the survivors on the island. Be sure to use your knowledge of different types of economic and government systems. In the space below write down your answers to the following questions which will make up your “Island Survival Plan.”

PIT pg. 1 (PART 1)Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 1: Melissa turned 18 and is going to city hall to vote in the presidential election for the first time. She will vote for candidates running for President, NC Governor and NC Senator. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why

Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 2: King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia makes all the decisions for his country. He does not consult advisors and he never holds elections. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why

Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 3: The citizens of Hampton, New Hampshire hold 4 annual town meetings where they discuss town policies and make decisions regarding laws and the town budget. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why

Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 4: The government in Iran enforces religious laws contained in the ancient Islamic text, the Koran. The political leaders are also highest religious leaders, who claim they are chosen by God. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why

Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 5: In the ancient Greek city of Sparta a small group of elders made all the decisions. They even would decide which babies were strong enough to live in Sparta and which babies should be disposed. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why

Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 6: Adolph Hitler ruled over Nazi Germany with an “iron fist.” He controlled all the media and used his military and secret police (the SS) to exterminate any opponents. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why

Which government is it?? Complete the table for each scenario. Scenario 7: When Lenin came to power in Russia he tried to split all the property equally between the people by giving the government control over all property. He believed there should not be social classes and everyone should be equal. Type of Government Who/what controls decision making? Explain why