All About the ECERS - R Nature & Science Georgia CTAE Resource Network Instructional Resources Office July 2009
Developmentally Appropriate Most young children are curious about and fascinated by the natural world around them Children use their senses Need hands on opportunities Explore natural things indoors and outdoors There are four categories of materials and experiences that need to be considered – must be 3-5 examples of each category accessible to children 1/3 of the day
1. Collections of natural objects Groups of similar natural objects Must be of natural things – plastic collections are counted as science TOYS Science books, toys, and games should be located in different part of the room Examples: –Leaves, seashells, rocks, types of wood, pinecones, bird’s nests
2. Living Things Include plants and living creatures that children actively care for and observe Must be observable in children’s immediate environment Examples: –House plants, terrarium, seeds that grow, garden class planted, class pet, window bird feeder, aquarium with fish or other animals, ant farm with ants, worm farm, butterfly hatching kit, eggs that hatch, etc.
3. Nature/Science books, games, or toys Can be scattered throughout the classroom rather than collected in one place Books must have realistic pictures and facts Games must be realistic and fact-based Toys should realistically portray natural life. Stuffed animals are not counted unless they are very natural looking rather than fantasy-based portrayals
4. Nature/Science Activities Encourage or allow children to experiment with scientific concepts or Observe scientific processes unfold Require more than just making materials accessible Staff support is usually needed Some activities to consider (next slide)…
Scaffold experimentation Magnets with objects to experiment with Magnifying glasses with things to look at Sink and float activity Racing cars down slope that vary in length and incline Shaking cans filled with differing substances to match and compare sounds Smelling different scents to compare and contrast Using plastic translucent color paddles to make colors match objects Sand & Water Activities
Activities that require more staff input Completing weather chart Using rain guage Planting seeds and watching plants grow Planting a garden and caring for it Cooking foods that change when mixed, cooled, cooked, etc.. Lifting objects with levers and pulleys Using different length pendulum with different weights Tasting and comparing sweet, sour, bitter, salty Using thermometers to measure hot and cold Looking at objects under a simple microscope Making a bird feeder and keeping track of birds using it
Encourage Children Materials should be well organized There are many everyday events that children experience –Erosion of soil after wind or rain –How fast ball rolls down slope –What happens as a result of feeding fish –How rain evaporates from a puddle on a hot sidewalk or how it drains into the ground –Why the plant dried out –How the days lengthen and shorten with the seasons –Playground grass turning green in spring –New birds in spring –How plants around the building change with the seasons –The moon appearing during the day –How the sun makes shadows
Supplemental Materials Books, pictures, posters, audio/visual materials Must be related to current hands-on activities that the children are experiencing Examples: –Books about fish used when aquarium is added –Video about how snowflakes are formed is used when weather forecasts snow or after a snowfall –CD of bird songs used when bird feeder is busy with birds –Poster of how seeds sprout is displayed next to seeds children have planted –DVD of butterflies is playing next to the butterfly hatchery kit