Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Pronouns can replace nouns or pronouns only when— 1.The pronoun agrees with its antecedent in number (quantity) and gender. AND 2. The pronoun’s antecedent is CLEAR. Jack wanted to drive tonight, but he couldn’t find his car key.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Pronoun agrees with its antecedent’s gender. Jack likes green. ____ even wears green tennis shoes. Mary wears blue. ____ nail polish is often blue. Mary wears blue, but ___ also wears red.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Pronoun agrees with its antecedent’s number. Jack and Mary like Disneyland. ____ both like The Haunted Mansion. Rosco, Cisco, Blanca, and Sue walk to school. ______ walk to school together each day. Rosco, Cisco, Blanca, and Sue are friends. _____ have been friends for ten years.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Pronoun agrees with its antecedent’s number and gender. Rosco parked in front of Sue’s house. ___ often parks _____ car in front of ____ house. Rosco never parks ___ car near Cisco’s house because ______ dogs like to mark car tires. Rosco and Cisco usually park ____ cars in Sue’s driveway.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement You can only use a pronoun in place of a noun if it’s CLEAR what the noun antecedent is! My brother wants to go into the army, but he’s to small to realize that it’s not just a game and it’s not as easy in reality. Beware of it and they because the antecedent/s can be unclear!
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Beware of it and they because the antecedent/s can be unclear! Video games lead to violence by motivating the people to do it. It also encourages them that it’s cool and others are doing it so you should too.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement They said in a article that students that play violent video games cause more trouble in school and at home, so I decided they should stop making violent video games.
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement The other reason why video games shouldn’t be played by kids younger than 18 is because it leads to aggression.
These pronouns are always SINGULAR Beware: Some pronouns are really singular, even though they start off looking plural. (Always look at the LAST part of the word to determine if it’s singular or plural.) everyone someone no one somebody everybody anyone someone either/neither one somebody nobody anybody each
Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Everyone should put _______ pencil down. Somebody always leaves ______ door open. Everyone wants to put ______ things in a locker.l Nobody likes to think ______ is alone after dark. I don’t think anybody in the world wants to lose every game _______ ever plays. Each of these students must decided for ______ if _______ wants to earn a diploma.
Pronouns always PLURAL both, several, few, many Both put _____ pencils down. Several made mistakes on ____ tests. Few finished ___ tests early. Many didn’t have time to finished ___ tests at all.