understanding and distinguishing among cyber activities Dave Piscitello VP Security and ICT Coordination, ICANN
cy·ber (sīb ə r) adjective of, relating to, or characteristic of the culture of computers, information technology, and virtual reality this formal definition is often unhelpful when cyber is used in conjunction with other terms because it does not provide context
context for cyber activities MEANS FINANCIAL ability to finance actions TECHNOLOGICAL ability to digitally mediate actions INTELLECTUAL ability to plan and act (talent) MOTIVE POLITICAL AIM BUSINESS AIM FINANCIAL GAIN NOTORIETY… OPPORTUNITY ACCESS TO INTERNET the digital mediation playing field
closer look at… means technology and talent for cyber activities must be financed – these are cost centers for legitimate or criminal enterprises commercial, NGO, or government financing is largely pay for digital goods, bounties, or open source (and sweat equity) criminal financing encompasses use of stolen or exploited goods and bartering for digital goods – credit cards, botnets, software – in an underground economy activism uses open source; hacktivism may use criminal means
a closer look at… opportunity the Internet is an open access, common technology infrastructure its power derives from adaptability these characteristics serve all actors, according to their aim
a closer look at… motive political aim: everything from controlling, oppressing, or inciting citizenry to opposition against suppression of rights or free speech commercial aim: from corporate espionage to tracking/profiling consumers
cybersecurity body of practices and measures to protect networks, computers, and data from digitally- mediated attacks
cyberattack an “online” or digitally mediated attack against digital or physical world assets or infrastructures A T T A C K
cybercrime online activity that has been classified as a crime, or an online activity that is committed in violation of law
cyberwarfare Digitally mediated attacks on a nation state by a nation state
cyberterrorism Digitally mediated intimidation attack on a nation’s citizenry by civilians to personalize war
cyber surveillance Digitally mediated and covert information monitoring or collection NDTV Convergence Limited
cyberactivism “hacktivism” Digitally-mediated protest against commercial or non-commercial entities or a nation state a group or individual
cybervandalism Digitally-mediated destruction of, or damage to, commercial or non- commercial entities or a nation state a group or individual
activities are rarely “exclusively ciber” activities in cyberspace are not that unique from activities in the physical world the Internet is the shared playing field consider M M O – means, motive, opportunity – and you’ll find it easy to distinguish activities