Clarion Module III Developing Conceptual Understanding
From the National Research Council: In contrast to the commonly held and outmoded view that young children are concrete and simplistic thinkers, the research evidence now shows that their thinking is surprisingly sophisticated. Important building blocks for learning science are in place before they enter school. Children entering school already have substantial knowledge of the natural world, which can be built on to develop their understanding of scientific concepts. By the end of preschool, children can reason in ways that provide helpful starting points for developing scientific reasoning. However, their reasoning abilities are constrained by their conceptual knowledge, the nature of the task, and their awareness of their own thinking. (p. 53) National Research Council. (2007). Taking Science to School: Learning and Teaching Science in Grades K-8. Committee on Science Learning, Kindergarten Through Eighth Grade. Richard A. Duschl, Heidi A. Schweingruber, and Andrew W. Shouse, (Eds.). Board on Science Education, Center for Education. Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Center for Gifted Education College of William and Mary Research on concept learning Conceptual knowledge is constructed (Resnick, 1987). Conceptual knowledge is learned in domains (Hirschfeld & Gelman, 1994). * Use of conceptual schemas enhance retention (NRC, 2002) Use of concept mapping promotes connected learning (Novak, 1998). * Teaching higher level concepts promotes science learning (Rutherford and Ahlgren, 1989).
Levels and Definition of Concept Teaching Macro-concepts that both define the discipline and provide connections to other disciplines (e.g.: systems, change) ↑ Subject Matter Concepts (Central ideas that define a discipline, e.g. in science: Gravity, force and motion, magnetism) ↑ Bracken Basic Concepts (Building blocks for understanding relationships in the world) Javits Project Clarion, Center for Gifted Education, College of William and Mary
BRACKEN BASIC CONCEPTS Colors Comparisons Shapes Direction/Position Social/Self-Awareness Size Texture/Material Quantity Time/Sequence Letter Identification Numbers/Counting
MACRO-CONCEPTS Grade Levels Life ScienceEarth SciencePhysical Science K - 1 st Survive and Thrive CHANGE How the Sun Makes Our Day CHANGE Water Works* CHANGE 1 st - 2 nd Budding Botanists SYSTEMS 2 nd The Weather Reporter CHANGE 2 nd – 3 rd What's The Matter?* CHANGE 3 rd Dig It! CHANGE Invitation to Invent SYSTEMS
Center for Gifted Education College of William and Mary What is a macro-concept? A concept that has deep meaning in understanding one discipline but also provides pathways to others. Science macro-concepts help illuminate both science content and the scientific process itself. Based on the Taba Model of Concept Development
Center for Gifted Education College of William and Mary Common Scientific Macro-Concepts Systems Change Models Constancy Evolution Scale Rutherford, J., & Ahlgren, A. (1989). Science for all Americans. New York, Oxford University Press
Change Provide examples: Provide non-examples: On the back, categorize your list. Include every item. What generalizations can you make about change? Center for Gifted Education, The College of William and Mary, 2009
Center for Gifted Education College of William and Mary Change Generalizations and Outcomes Generalizations:Clarion Outcomes: (Students will be able to…) Change is linked to time.Illustrate how change is based on time. Change is everywhere.Understand that change permeates our lives and our universe. Change may be perceived as orderly or random. Categorize types of change, given several examples. Change may happen naturally or be caused by people. Analyze the source of change as natural or man-made.
Element: a distinct part of the system Boundary: something that indicates or fixes a limit on the size or spread of a system Interaction: the nature of connections made between elements and inputs of a system Input: something that is put in the system Output: something that is produced by the system; a product of the interactions SYSTEMS
Aquarium as a system Draw and label: elements, boundaries, interactions, inputs, outputs
Systems Provide examples: Provide non-examples: On the back, categorize your list. Include every item. What generalizations can you make about systems? Center for Gifted Education, The College of William and Mary, 2009
Center for Gifted Education College of William and Mary Concept generalizations and outcomes for systems Generalizations:Clarion Outcomes: (Students will be able to…) Systems have elements. Recognize that a plant is a system with identifiable elements. Systems have boundaries. Define the boundaries of a plant system. Systems have input and output. Discover that systems (plants) have identifiable inputs and outputs. The interactions and outputs of a system change when its inputs, elements, or boundaries change. Observe the nature and behavior of a system as its elements interact with each other and with input from outside the system.
Center for Gifted Education College of William and Mary Depict a computer as a system. Boundaries Elements InputsOutputs Interactions
Center for Gifted Education College of William and Mary Example macro-concept follow-up questions from Clarion: How can you describe a seed as a system? (Budding Botanists, p. 94) How was the temperature of the dirt and sand changed? (Weather Reporter, p. 65)
Center for Gifted Education College of William and Mary Standards Alignment with Concept Development Model Models of Concept Development Social Studies Economic, legal, government, political systems Structure, function, and pattern of societal systems Maps as systems History as the study of change over time Language Arts Change in literary characters (e.g. character, plot, setting) Writing process Language study Grammar as a system Mathematics Pattern recognition and pattern making Number systems Use of the concepts of models and scale to construct mathematical forms Communication and connections Science Living and earth/ space systems Cycles and patterns Interactions within and across systems Change processes in biology, physics, chemistry, and geology
Center for Gifted Education College of William and Mary Macro-concept conclusions: The macro-concepts of systems and change are fundamental to the Project Clarion units. Macro-concepts are highly interdisciplinary. Conceptual understanding provides students with pathways to learning new material. Systems and change can easily be woven into your other units of study, enhancing student learning.