Trip to Coromandel Bay; Part 3 The Start
1.30 p.m. Entered the Lab and wore gloves and a lab coat. Oversized. We saw aquariums of frogs, slugs and even weirder stuff.
We should have something like this.
The aquarium with slugs..
Equipments There were many equipments that are very precise and sensitive.
The vortex as we called it will vibrate at an extremely fast rate to cause the particles to collide. Better than using your hands.
The pipettes that we used were used to pick up solutions from different ranges in microlitres. We used different ‘tips’ for the pipettes.
The different tips for three different types of pipettes. We change the tip each time we use it.
The centrifuge is used to spin the containing tubes at an extremely fast rate. I would think at I think 4 G’s. It makes the larger molecules move to the bottom. We then pipette the smaller molecules that float at the top of the containing tube. You have to balance each side properly…Akshay kinda messed it up twice….
Some rocks….I don’t know……
A ceiling fan…I haven’t seen this for a long time.
Outside the Lab
Here is the weird part….
Yeah that is the embryo of a dog….yeah weird……
I don’t even know what that is…
Oversized Lab coats
The pipettes….not us, the equipment.…
The sample plots…we did 3B
This is used to hold the containing tubes.
That is the person who led us….he has a p.H.d and he is from Italy
It was very easy to use…even easier than the bigger ones…they cost US$200…
Sandip using the pipette….
Waste bin, tips, pipettes and containing tubes…