ESP Electronic supervisory judicial procedure ESP Electronic supervisory judicial procedure
Process of gaining access to a judicial case (2013) 1 2 Gaining an access password to a judicial case by a participant of a judicial process in a registry of a judicial authority Access to review of information on a judicial case and obtaining judicial acts and documents Judicial authority RK Specialist of a registry Database «Judicial procedure» UAIAS JA RK 1.2. Addition of IIN for issue of a password 1.3. Printing of an access password 1.1. Application submission for issue of a password 1.4. Gaining password Internal / External Portal JA RK 2.1. Search of a judicial case by IIN and password 2.4. Review of information on a judicial case and obtaining judicial acts and documents 2.2. Request for informatio n 2.3. Obtaining a reply for request
Addition of an application (IIN) of a participant of a judicial process In case of a direct recourse of a Participant of a judicial process to a registry of a judicial authority, where a court trial on a case is taking place or took place, an application is added to the DB «Judicial procedure» UAIAS JA RK indicating the following information: IIN; Surname, name, patronymic name; Category (complainant, advocate and etc.); Date of a recourse; Electronic address.
Issue of an access password to a judicial case After adding an application a Specialist of a registry of a judicial authority, responsible for issue of an access password to a judicial case, forms by means of the DB «Judicial procedure» UAIAS JA RK a relevant form with a password and provides it to a Participant of a judicial process on «paper»
Search of a judicial case by IIN and access password A Participant of a judicial process searches a judicial case by its IIN and access password, obtained in a registry of a judicial authority, on the External or Internal Portal JA RK
Review of information on a judicial case and obtaining judicial acts and documents A Participant of a judicial process obtains an access to review of information on a judicial case, including an opportunity of downloading judicial acts and documents, available for displaying in ESP EIAD (form on a case) of a judicial case enables to set prohibition (to block) certain documents for displaying in ESP
New design of the External Portal JA RK
Functional capabilities, proposed in the frames of development of ESP in 2014 NOTIFICATIONS to an electronic mail address Sending information messages to an electronic mail of a Participant of a judicial process ELECTRONIC SUPERVISORY PROCEDURE ONLINE-APPLICATIONS for issue of an access password (through EDS) Submission by a Participant of a judicial process of an application for issue of an access password to a judicial case through the External / Internal Portal JA RK confirming information by an Electronic digital signature (EDS), including enclosing documents (for instance, power of attorney) ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS automatically by a category of a participant Intellectual access to types of judicial acts and documents on the External / Internal Portal JA RK depending on a category of a Participant of a judicial process (person on trial; advocate; investigator and etc.) in accordance with requirements of the Criminal Procedure Code, Civil Procedure Code, Code of Administrative Law violations and Law RK «On personal information» INTEGRATION WITH IS «EAJD» for access to archive cases Full cycle of an integration interaction of ESP with IS «EAJD», including reception of an online-application for issue of an access password to an archive case and access to review of information on an archive case on the External / Internal Portal JA RK, including an opportunity of downloading judicial acts and scanned documents MONITORING for organization of access control Saving history of events and actions of users in case of access to review of information ADMINISTRATION in the part of reception of online- applications Automation of a process of permitting issue or denial to issue an access password to a judicial (archive case) by specialists of a judicial authority, which came from Participants of a judicial process by means of the External / Internal JA RK in an online mode
Special features of realization of ESP INTEGRATION WITH UAIAS JA RK Will enable to ensure access of Participants of a judicial process to cases, which are in the process of a court trial – not archive, because cases are transferred to an institutional archive as far as they are executed after check by a judge (clause 25 Instructions on the procedure of formation, selection, temporary keeping and transfer for a permanent keeping to state archives of cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, local courts, Committee for judicial administration under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and administrators of courts of regions, cities Astana and Almaty) INTEGRATION WITH IS «EAJD» Will enable to ensure access of Participants of a judicial process to cases, which are in the institutional archive of judicial authorities (completed cases, on which court trial was finished) ONLINE-APPLICATIONS FOR ISSUE OF A PASSWORD TO A JUDICIAL CASE and their ADMINISTRATION Will enable to simplify the process of recourse of a judicial process to judicial authorities for issue of an access password to judicial cases, as well as cases, which are in the institutional archive (clause 362 of Rules of documenting and management of documentation in the SC RK; clause 198 Instructions on recordkeeping in regional and equivalent courts through UAIAS JA RK; clause 113 Contemporary instruction on recordkeeping in district and equivalent courts through UAIAS JA RK) INTELLECTUAL ACCESS TO REVIEW OF JUDICIAL ACTS AND DOCUMENTS Will enable to ensure protection of information at the informational level by providing different rights for review and downloading judicial acts and documents depending on a category of a Participant of a judicial procedure (complainant; person on trial; advocate and etc.) in an automatic mode, which will also enable to realize requirements of the Law RK«On personal information»