Use of Technology in Treatment FYI Conference June 16, 2015
technology [tek-nol-uh-jee] noun, plural technologies for the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science. 2. the application of this knowledge for practical ends. 3. the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature. 4. a scientific or industrial process, invention, method, or the like. 5. the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization.
premise Technology is designed to make our lives better. It leads to the creation of better products and processes. It is increasingly more integrated into our daily lives. It can be applied in unlimited ways. It can be utilized to assist people in solving problems and enhancing their behavioral and emotional well-being.
Devices Many Types – Many Uses No way all can be covered here
They are everywhere! There’s more than a bushel of Apples in here !
Caviat: There is no substitute for the human connection!
YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A TECH EXPERT! Can you operate a computer? Can you search the internet? Can you use a cell phone?
1.R 1.Resources within easy Reach 2.R 2.Reproducible 3.R 3.Referral Information Access 4.R 4.Recording Information Ability The 4 R’s a Computer and Internet Access Can Provide
Welcome Name!
Printables – activity pages: Jigsaw puzzle template igsawPuzzles/39Jigsa ws.html igsawPuzzles/39Jigsa ws.html Tangrams html html Secret Message Decoder m/printables/super- secret-spy- decoder.jhtml m/printables/super- secret-spy- decoder.jhtml Printables – Take Your Pick
Tracking Tools
Behavior Charts And More
Psychoeducation remove barriers … psychoeducational techniques are used to help remove barriers to comprehending and digesting complex and emotionally loaded information and to develop strategies develop strategies to use the information in a proactive fashion. Source:Psychoeducation as Evidence-Based Practice: Considerations for Practice, Research, and Policy By Ellen P. Lukens, MSW, PhD William R. McFarlane, MD Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 4:3 Fall 2004
Getting Feelings On Track with Thomas