Wilson Reading System Substep 2.2 Lesson 1
Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill
a a apple /a/
e e Ed /e/
i i itch /i/
o o octopus /o/
u u umbrella /u/
b b bat /b/
c c cat /k/
d d dog /d/
f f fun /f/
g g game /g/
h h hat /h/
j j jug /j/
k k kite /k/
l l lamp /l/
m m man /m/
n n nut /n/
p p pan /p/
r r rat /r/
s s snake /s/
t t top /t/
v v van /v/
w w wind /w/
x x fox /ks/
y y yellow /y/
z z zebra /z/
Chicken Letter qu Q is the chicken letter- it refuses to go anywhere without its friend, u. It is never in a word alone. The u in this situation has no vowel sound. Qu is a digraph as well.
digraphs Consonants ‘stick together’ to form one sound, even though there are two letters. That is why they are on one card. They are not separated.
th th thumb /th/
ch chin /ch/ ch
sh ship /sh/ sh
wh whistle /w/ wh
ck sock /k/ ck
Part 2 Teach and Review Concepts for Reading
Welded Sounds fang. ring song lung ang ing ong ung
Welded Sounds bank. pink honk - junk ank ink onk unk
Welded Sounds Use a 3 finger tap for the welded sounds k ing y ank
Blend A blend is….2 consonants and each letter has its own sound Example: stub must A digraph blend is….a digraph plus a consonant Example: bunch shred
4 Sounds!!! 4 Taps We will be learning that 4 letters means 4 sounds -4 taps. p s i l
Part 3 Wordcards
flup nonsense word
dren nonsense word
preb nonsense word
stim nonsense word
droth nonsense word
lonk nonsense word
jing nonsense word
speff nonsense word
pelf nonsense word
fent nonsense word
shomp nonsense word
clim nonsense word
clab nonsense word
gleff nonsense word
plix nonsense word
Part 4 Wordlist Reading (get books)
Part 5 Sentence Reading
The belt is on the shelf in the den.
Did Beth step on that frog?
This clock is the best gift.
Bill fell in the wet sand.
Don’t Forget the bonus letters!
Stan must dump the trash.
Ted will jump in the pond and swim.
Mom will mend the rip in the dress.
What’s wrong with this sentence? I wich that Cim did not bragg.
Ben went on the ship.
The class must get a flag.
Tim will get the cloth on the shelf.
Pass the small block to Jed.
Jill had the plum.
Bob went with Dad to the ranch.
The tot fell in the wet slush.
Bob had the last mint.
Trot up to the flag and then run.
What’s wrong with this sentence? we wil hunt for the loost raft?
Ben got a cut on his leg from the trap.
Beth had a pink silk dress.
Part 6 Quick Drill (in reverse – use Cookie Sheets)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v w x y z qu r s t u v w x y z sh th ch wh ck
Part 7 Teach and Review Concepts for Spelling
Blended Sounds: Example: silk , milk risk , brisk lk sk Look for “k” at the end of a word when it ends in lk sk Example: silk , milk risk , brisk
Part 8 Written Work Dictation: sounds, words, sentences
Part 9 Controlled Passage Reading
Part 10 Listening Comprehension