AiZ (Zone 2 & 3) Session 1 May 2010 Sue Gunningham
PROGRAM Session 1: Whole school planning for numeracy Session 2: What to teach Session 3: Using data effectively Session 4: Planning units of work
AGENDA Issues to consider when developing a whole school maths plan – MT Planning ideas NMR Expectation
The purpose of this session is for participants to: Discuss ways to develop a whole school mathematics plan Examine some whole school, team and individual planning options for mathematics teaching
“ It is important..….(to) measure students’ ability to apply their mathematics knowledge, rather than simply their ability to remember facts and formulas” (2006 Report from the Parliamentary Inquiry into mathematics & science education Executive Summary Pxv) Skills AND Thinking & Reasoning
Guiding principles for all maths lessons 1.Explicit number fluency practice every lesson 2.Explicit purpose for every lesson 3.Formal structure* for every lesson 4.Students working on tasks beyond their current levels of thinking 5.Teacher communicating high expectations and using purposeful feedback 6.Established classroom norms for working
Benefits of learning with understanding (thinking & reasoning) Motivating Promotes more understanding Helps memory Enhances transfer Influences attitudes and beliefs Promotes autonomous learners (Lester & Charles 2003)
1.Explicit number fluency practice every lesson 2.Explicit purpose for every lesson 3.Launch, Explore Summarise
The e5 model Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate LAUNCH EXPLORE SUMMARISE (ASSESS)
4. Students working beyond their current levels of understanding ¾⅜ ⅓ ½ × 1 ½ At least three ability levels in any maths classroom at any time What might you do?
5. Teacher expectations Communicate to students that you believe they can learn and expect they will –That is quite good but I know you can do better –That is the right answer but I think you can find a better way to do it
Feedback Students do better when they know: What am I meant to be doing? How am I going? Where to next?
The Statue of Liberty 46.5 m head to toe Group work mantra: I agree, I understand, I can explain
Differentiation At least three ability levels in any maths classroom at any time What might you do?
Brainstorm What might need to be explicitly addressed in a school mathematics plan? ……
Some things to consider: Planning – school, level, individual Time allocated to maths Weighting of skill, thinking and reasoning lessons Guiding principles: Specific lesson purpose, agreed lesson structure, number fluency, teacher expectations, degree of challenge Differentiation- Student groupings Assessment plan Teacher accountability
Planning The documents and the reality School wide and/or classroom The team and/or the individual The resources 200 pa – (swimming, camp, sport, concert, etc) Minus 10% tch absence and unexpected circs Minus 1 week revision per term + 1 week assessment + TOTAL MATHS LESSONS Per Annum
So what … …will you do this afternoon as a result of this morning’s session? … will you do between today and next time we meet? …will you do to track your progress between now and then?