Effective Use of Learning and Teaching Resources to Cater for Learner Diversity in the Learning of English at Primary Level English Language Education Section Curriculum Development Institute Education Bureau Collaborative Research & Development (“Seed”) Project for 2012 – 2013
Objectives of the project (I) To help teachers select and make effective use of learning and teaching resources that suit the needs and interests of students with different abilities To help teachers adapt coursebook materials and integrate selected learning and teaching resources into their school-based curriculum to enrich the curriculum content
Objectives of the project (II) To help teachers enhance students’ generic skills through the use of the learning and teaching resources To enhance teachers’ assessment literacy through designing appropriate assessment tasks and activities to inform learning and teaching To enhance students’ motivation and interest in learning English through exposure to different learning and teaching materials
What is the meaning of Catering for Learner Diversity? X Even out abilities and performances Stretch the potential of all students
While the Multiple Intelligences Theory of Howard Gardner is the most popular and readily used by teachers, there are other ideas about learning styles, which can also be useful to EFL/ESL teachers. (Putintseva, 2006) There is no agreement on the number or variety of learning styles…These fall into general categories such as information processing, personality patterns, and social interaction patterns. (Conner, 2004) Various perspectives on Learning Styles
Learning and Teaching Materials Learning and Teaching Strategies Assessment for Learning Catering for Learner Diversity Curriculum Adaptation: Using Learning and Teaching Resources to Cater for Learner Diversity CurriculumFramework How?
Making use of textbooks Keep the learning targets and objectives of a key stage in mind and identify the focus of each unit Match the textbook content against the school’s English curriculum and make sure there is a balanced coverage of the Learning Targets and Objectives Omit certain parts Use different parts flexibly for different groups of learners Adapt the activities to make them attractive to the learners Teachers can also Develop their own learning and teaching materials Adopt a wide variety of learning resource materials Adapted from English Language Education Curriculum KLA Curriculum Guide (P1 – S3) (2002) p.117 Catering for Learner Diversity Curriculum Framework Effective use of Learning & Teaching Resources
Factors to consider Suitability of content Interesting and relevant to students? Exploitability How can they be exploited for teaching purposes? What knowledge and skills can be developed? Readability Are the texts too easy/difficult? Are they structurally too demanding? Presentation Do they look authentic and attractive? Do pictures and diagrams help to illustrate the text effectively? Catering for Learner Diversity Selecting learning and teaching resources Curriculum Framework (adapted from Berardo,2006)
Assessment for learning Build in checkpoints for understanding of key concepts Make effective use of questions to diagnose comprehension problems and provide timely feedback Observe and collect learning evidence to identify learning difficulties Use different modes of assessment to identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses Catering for Learner Diversity Designing Appropriate Assessment Tasks & Activities to Inform Learning and Teaching Designing Appropriate Assessment Tasks & Activities to Inform Learning and Teaching Curriculum Framework
Project Title: Effective Use of Learning and Teaching Resources to Cater for Learner Diversity in the Learning of English at Primary Level Project Code: EE0112 Duration: September 2012 to August 2013
Schools Participating in the Project Seconded Teachers School Project Coordinators Project Teachers School Project Coordinators Project Teachers “Seed” Schools “Network” Schools
” Seed ” Schools “Seed” Schools are expected to: nominate 1 experienced and committed English teacher to be seconded to the English Language Education Section of CDI for a period subject to mutual agreement; allocate a common lesson / period of time per week/cycle for teachers ’ collaborative lesson preparation; set aside a period of time in the scheme of work to try out the learning, teaching and assessment materials developed by the seconded teacher and other project teachers of the same school; and assist in the collection of evidence (by supporting classroom observations, including video-recording a substantial number of tryout lessons and interviewing students/teachers) on the processes of change and impact on pupil learning.
“ Network ” Schools “ Network ” Schools are expected to: nominate teachers to participate in professional development programmes and experience sharing sessions; and try out the developed materials and activities in their own schools.
Seconded Teachers Seconded teachers are expected to: work in close collaboration with CDI officers, English language teachers of their own schools and other “ Seed ” Schools; assist in reviewing related literature; participate in professional development programmes; develop learning, teaching and assessment materials with other project teachers of the same school; try out the developed learning, teaching and assessment materials to promote the development of listening and writing skills and strategies;
Seconded teachers are expected to: collect evidence (by supporting classroom observations, including video-recording a substantial number of tryout lessons and interviewing students/teachers) on the processes of change and impact on student learning; assist in analysing and interpreting the data collected; and assist in the dissemination of tryout experiences/ good practices. Seconded Teachers
Project Proposal [Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 12/2012 Staff Interflow Schemes 2012 (Appendix C)] Deadline for Application: 15 March 2012 EDB Human Resources Management Unit 4/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices 2 Tim Mei Avenue Tamar, Hong Kong. (Application for Staff Interflow Schemes 2012) Send your application to:
Enquiries Administrative matters: Mr Allen LAI Professional matters: Ms Barbara CHAN