 Towards transnational funding of Nuclear Physics Research Infrastructures GANIL-SPIRAL2 AGATA ISOLDE-ALTO JYVL-LNL-LNS- GANIL-SPIRAL1-GSI Eastern-Network.


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Presentation transcript:

 Towards transnational funding of Nuclear Physics Research Infrastructures GANIL-SPIRAL2 AGATA ISOLDE-ALTO JYVL-LNL-LNS- GANIL-SPIRAL1-GSI Eastern-Network FAIR ALICE-LHC

The Situation in (recall)

The Seventh Framework Programme: FP7 budget ( M€) Capacities M€ JRC M€ Ideas M€ People M€ Cooperation M€ Research Infrastructures M€

9 major RI domains …about 600 identified facilities More than permanent scientists are working in such facilities … Breakdown of All RIs by Scientific Domains (2006 survey) HumanitiesSocial Sciences Environmental, Marine, Earth Sciences EnergyBiomedical and Life Sciences Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astonomy, Astrophysics Materials Sciences EngineeringComputer and data treatment Number of RIs

ESFRI  Launched in April 2002 by Council of Research Ministers  Representatives from the 27 Member + 5 Associated States + one representative of the European Commission (EC) The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has been set-up to help facing important challenges

Brussels, 19 October 2006 European Research Infrastructures – The ESFRI roadmap identifies 34 large-scale infrastructure projects

The EU accepts to fund NuPNET Start of the project: 1 March 2008

NuPNET Consortium meets for the first time at the kick-off on 27 March 2008 in Paris

List of NuPNET Partners (18 partners representing 14 countries) Partner no.CountryShort namePartner Partner 1FCNRS-IN2P3 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Institut National de la Physique Nucléaire et de la Physique des Particules Partner 2DPTGSIGesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung Partner 3DBMBFBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung Partner 4IINFNIstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Partner 5SPFECYTFundacion Espanola para la Ciencia y la Tecnologia Partner 6SPMICINN Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovac ion Partner 7BFNRSFonds National de la Recherche Scientifique Partner 8BFWO VFonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek-Vlanderen Partner 9BGINRNEInstitute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Partner 10FCEACommissariat à l'Energie Atomique Partner 11CZNPI ASCRNuclear Physics Institute - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Partner 12FIHIPHelsinki Institute of Physics Partner 13GRGSRTGeneral Secretariat for Research and Technology Partner 14HUNKTHNational Office for Research and Technology Partner 15NLRuGRijksuniversiteit Groningen Partner 16PLNCBiRNational Centre for Research and Development Partner 17ROIFIN-HHNational Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering Partner 18UKSTFCScience and Technology Facilities Council

Agreed Funding by the EU Commission of €1.3 million

 Map the science priorities (NuPECC) into a funding action plan  Establish procedures and funding for trans- national common activities (variable geometry)  Identify joint activities to be implemented in the framework of NuPNET.  Launch one or two joint pilot activities  Establish a sustainable action beyond March 2011 Specific Goals of NuPNET

The NuPNET strategy: Success through a stepwise approach Information exchange and Census of resources for Nuclear Physics Funding Bodies Agreement on an Action Plan for Infrastructures (Resource and financial Action plan of Agencies) Implementation of pilot projects of the Action plan participants are Funding agencies and ministries From 14 EU countries

The NuPNET strategy: a combined Management Structure

Appointed Leaders of NuPNET

List of deliverables

Actions since the kick-off in March 2008 Year 1 –the first half- (March - Aug. 08)  The EU approves the Technical Annex (mid-March)  NuPNET Kick-off meeting on 27 March in Paris  Article on  Co-ordination Committee (CC) meets for the 1st time on May 19 in Frankfurt  The NUPNET Consortium approves the Consortium Agreement (mid-June)  Submission of Deliverable "Short Management Plan" (approved by EU)  First run of the WP2 Questionnaire (sent to CC members only)  Article in "Le Journal du CNRS"  Article in "Nuclear Physics News"  A Logo for NuPNET  Submission of Deliver. "Communication Plan & Logo" (approved by EU)  Article in "CNRS International Magazine"  The EU transmits the draft Grant Agreement (beg. July)  Official run of the WP2 Questionnaire (sent to NuPNET Consortium)

Year 1 –the second half- (Sept. 08 – Feb. 09)  1st NuPNET Open Days on 8 Sept. in Athens: GR-RO-CK-HU-BG  Announcements on Cordis Wire (EU) + NSCR + GSRT  1st Governing Council on 13 Oct. in Madrid  Information relayed on Cordis Wire (EU) + MICINN + FECYT  Interviews for the Spanish Scientific News Platform (video)  The EU signs the final Grant Agreement (14 Oct. 2008)  CC meets for the 2nd time on 30 Oct. in Darmstadt  2nd NuPNET Open Days on Oct. in Darmstadt: DE-BE-NL-FI  Announcements on Cordis Wire (EU) and GSI  Article in "CERN Courier" (on-line + magazine)  1st instalment of the pre-financing received at CNRS/IN2P3 (14 Nov. 2008)  All NuPNET members have signed the Forms A giving them an "Accession to the NuPNET Contract" (22 Jan.)  CC meets for the 3rd time on 11 Feb. in Paris  First run of the WP3 Questionnaire (sent to CC members only) Actions since Sept. 2008

Actions since March 2009 Year 2 –the first half- (March - Aug. 09)  Completed Questionnaires have all been received by WP2  A Web site for NuPNET:  Analysis of completed Questionnaires by WP2 (in progress) PLANNED  CC meets for the 4th time on 18 March in Bochum  A Intranet for NuPNET  CC meets for the 5th time on 12 May in Milan  3rd NuPNET Open Days on May 09 in Milan France,Italy,Poland,Spain,UK  Media Actions planned  A Logo for NuPNET  MAY/JUNE Submission of Deliver. "Census of Funding"  AUG/OCT Submission of Deliver. "1st Activity Report"

WP2: Questionnaire - Structure and Schedule - Schedule Testrun in June /July 08 Quest. sent to Consortium Aug. 08 Final run in Dec Analysis Census on existing programs (D&M) by May 2009 General compilation of results (D) by May 2010

WP2 - First Preliminary resultsResults – FUNDING

WP2 - First Results – STAFF EMPLOYED

WP2 - First Results – SALARIES

Thank you for your attention.