The Human Being and Sexuality
Sexually transmitted infections 2 Sexual development The Human Being And Sexuality Human sexuality Self esteem 1 Sex
1 Self Esteem Physical characteristics determine the beauty of the person. Each person has received different unique gifts from God. What do you think?? What are the things you like about yourself? What are the things that you don’t like so much about yourself? What can you change and what can’t you change? The Human Being and Sexuality
1 Self Esteem Each 1 is unique and different Each 1 is important Accept those things that you can’t change. The Human Being and Sexuality
2 In puberty changes take place in your body. These changes are completely normal. Not all changes happen at the same age or at the same time (hair 14-19, breast 12-16) Puberty is the first part of adolescence in which the body undergoes many changes. Sexual Development
2 Boys and puberty Testosterone, penis and testicles (size), hair growth (arm, pubic, chest, abdomen and face), voice deepens, muscles development Sexual Development Male Reproductive System
2 Testicles are located in the scrotum sac. Testicles produce semen, a sticky liquid. In the semen there are sperms which are responsible for fertilising the female egg. Then conception occurs! Sexual Development
2 Erection Physiologically Hardening and lengthening of the penis. This happens when the boy or the man are sexually aroused and happens without any external stimulation during sleep. During sex, wake up in the morning with full bladder, many times during the day to keep the man healthy Getting an erection does not mean that the man has to have sexual relations. Sexual Development
2 Wet dream Semen coming out from the boy’s penis while he is asleep (a healthy way for the body to release excess sperm). Washing the penis and testicles is extremely important Sexual Development
2 Circumcision Surgical removal of the sleeve of the skin that covers the glans of the penis (foreskin). Sexual Development
2 Penis size No WORRY!! Most penises are within normal size when erected. Sexual Development
2 Girls and Puberty LH & FSH Physical changes: breast, hair, hip, muscle and skeleton, menstruation. Sexual Development
2 Girls and Puberty Sexual Development Female Reproductive System
2 Menstruation 1.Release of ovum 2.Thickening of the uterus lining. Cycle duration: days Less often than monthly. Cramping, pain, emotional Sexual Development
2 Menstruation
2 Sexual Development
2 Psychological changes How stressful it is? Anxiety, fear, shame, incomprehension Girls’ bodies begin to change two years before those of boys of the same age. No worries Guys!! Sexual Development
Sex 3 The Human Being and Sexuality Fertilization and pregnancy Penis is introduced into the vagina
The Human Being and Sexuality Sex 3 Then semen is released into the vagina, swims upwards through the cervix to the fallopian tube. If the ovary has just released an ovum, a sperm will meet up with an ovum in the fallopian tube and will then join together to become one cell: this is fertilisation. The cell will continue to divide then moves down into the uterus→beginning of pregnancy.
The Human Being and Sexuality Sex 3 At the end of pregnancy there will be contractions of the uterus, a muscular organ. During childbirth, the contractions will push the baby out of the uterus through the woman’s vagina.
The Human Being and Sexuality 4 Our Core SkillsHuman Sexuality Sexuality is: a sensory experience that involves the whole body and the mind not only the genitalis. Shaped by values, behaviors, attitudes, physical appearance, beliefs, emotions, likes and dislikes. It involves: 1.Physical part: attracted, attractive, the way you dress 2. Emotional part: feelings, liking or loving someone
The Human Being and Sexuality 4 Our Core SkillsHuman Sexuality 3. Mental part: similar academic interests and studies. 4. Spiritual aspect: the ability to relate to others in a deep and intimate way
The Human Being and Sexuality 4 Our Core SkillsHuman Sexuality. Point to discuss: Why would a person choose to have a sexual relationship before marriage? Demonstrate love to each other Do not believe the religion teachings Satisfy a desire for pleasure and experience Out of poverty, sell sex Lack of parental love
The Human Being and Sexuality 4 Our Core SkillsHuman Sexuality Loss of self control through the use of drugs and alcohol Prove manhood or womanhood Out of curiosity TO HAVE FUN
The Human Being and Sexuality 4 Our Core SkillsHuman Sexuality On the other hand why would a person choose to abstain until marriage? Fear of STI Avoid pregnancy Preserve their virginity Have a better relationship with God To be faithful to his/her religion
The Human Being and Sexuality 4 Our Core SkillsHuman Sexuality Why we shouldn’t have sex whenever we want? 1.It is a gift and shouldn’t be used lightly. 2.Worry about disease and pregnancy 3.True love can be achieved without sex and can wait until marriage
Sexually Transmitted Infections The Human Being and Sexuality 5 A group of infections usually transmitted during sexual intercourse with an infected partner. 1.Herpes Simples Virus (HSV2) 2.Chlamydia 3.Gonorrhea 4.Hepatitis 5.Vaginitis 6.HIV/AIDS The Human Being and Sexuality
Gonorrhea Serious infection Caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrheae. The person will have a thick yellow discharge from the vagina or the penis. Urinating can also be painful Can be treated with antibiotics.
The Human Being and Sexuality Hepatitis B & C Symptoms are fever that appears gradually, loss of appetite, abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting, joint pain, skin eruptions, and yellowing Can cause liver failure and death. No cure for Hepatitis
The Human Being and Sexuality Vaginitis May be caused by a parasite, a bacterium, or yeast. Trichomoniasis Foul smelling vaginal discharge, a feeling of discomfort during urination and during sexual intercourse, itching in the genital area, and pain in the lower abdomen. Can be treated
The Human Being and Sexuality Caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Can lead to chronic pain and infertility Can be easily treated with antibiotics Chlamydia