The Story Basic Elements
Setting Time and place of the story’s action Includes ideas, customs, values, and beliefs
Characters Actors in the story’s plot Examples: people, animals, or whatever the writer chooses
Types of Characters Protagonist –Main character Antagonist –is in conflict with the main character
Point of View Relationship of the narrator to the story First person –Narrator is a character in the story; referred to as “I”
Point of View Third person limited –Narrator reveals the thoughts of only one character; referred to as “he” or “she”
Point of View Third person omniscient –Narrator knows everything about the story’s events and reveals thoughts of all characters
Theme Central idea or message of a story
Plot Sequence of events in a story What happens in the story
Conflict Struggle between opposing forces –External--between a character and an outside force –Internal--takes place within the mind of the character
5 Stages of Plot: Exposition –introduces the story’s characters, setting, and conflict Rising Action –occurs as complications or twists of the conflict occur
5 Stages of Plot: Climax –emotional high-point of the story Falling Action –logical result of the climax
5 Stages of Plot: Resolution –presents the final outcome of the story