Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA 1
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA Title Author Illustrator Publisher
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA Elements of a Short Story Theme Setting Plot Point of view Characters Elements of a Short Story
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA Let’s Explore the Story Setting The place and time where the story took place. The story takes place mainly in the classroom. Apart from that, the story also takes the readers to the main character’s home and several of the town’s landmarks namely the public library, the ice-cream parlour (“Mr.Gelati”) and a pizza joint (“Pizza Shack”).
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA Let’s Explore the Story Characters The people or animal in the story. Joel Joel’s new teacher Yuki Tom Natalie Ben Anastasia Olivetti Gran Mum Mr. Gelati
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA Plot Plot is the sequence or order of events in the story. CHAPTER 1: A VERY BORING HOLIDAY Joel was back to school after the holidays. His new teacher wanted the class to write about their holidays. Everyone shared their exciting holiday adventure. Joel felt sad that he had the most boring holiday ever. All of his classmates set off to write at least a page about their holiday, leaving Joel wondering. CHAPTER 1: A VERY BORING HOLIDAY Joel was back to school after the holidays. His new teacher wanted the class to write about their holidays. Everyone shared their exciting holiday adventure. Joel felt sad that he had the most boring holiday ever. All of his classmates set off to write at least a page about their holiday, leaving Joel wondering. Synopsis CHAPTER 2: MAKING IT UP Joel’s teacher approached him and asked him about his holiday. Joel repeatedly told his teacher that he did not do anything fun during the holidays but his teacher persistently encouraged him saying that he can write an essay, he can even make it up and she walked away. That’s when Joel decided that maybe he can actually come up with an interesting piece. He then started recalling all the activities he did during the holidays with his sister, Natalie and his grandmother. CHAPTER 2: MAKING IT UP Joel’s teacher approached him and asked him about his holiday. Joel repeatedly told his teacher that he did not do anything fun during the holidays but his teacher persistently encouraged him saying that he can write an essay, he can even make it up and she walked away. That’s when Joel decided that maybe he can actually come up with an interesting piece. He then started recalling all the activities he did during the holidays with his sister, Natalie and his grandmother.
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA CHAPTER 3: SOMETHING WEIRD HAPPENS Although his teacher was happy with his work, Joel felt sad and wished that his holiday was indeed as exciting as he pictured it in his essay. Joel’s teacher again asked her students to prepare another write up about a pet they would like to have. Joel ran out of idea as he had used up all his imagination for his previous work. He kept his homework away and did not think about it. During the weekend, on Saturday, Joel, his mother and his sister, Natalie went to the shops and library. They entered the library and saw a crowd of people. Joel saw his favourite author, Anastasia Olivetti, just like in his imagination. The author recognized Joel and thanked him for his idea. CHAPTER 3: SOMETHING WEIRD HAPPENS Although his teacher was happy with his work, Joel felt sad and wished that his holiday was indeed as exciting as he pictured it in his essay. Joel’s teacher again asked her students to prepare another write up about a pet they would like to have. Joel ran out of idea as he had used up all his imagination for his previous work. He kept his homework away and did not think about it. During the weekend, on Saturday, Joel, his mother and his sister, Natalie went to the shops and library. They entered the library and saw a crowd of people. Joel saw his favourite author, Anastasia Olivetti, just like in his imagination. The author recognized Joel and thanked him for his idea. Synopsis CHAPTER 4: MORE WEIRD THINGS HAPPEN After the library, they headed to Mr. Gelati’s ice-cream shop. To his surprise, the shop was crowded with customers. Mr. Gelati saw Joel and ran toward him and acknowledged him as the inventor of his new ice-cream, Joel’s Jelly Baby Freeze. Again, just like in his imagination. Joel’s mother brought them to the pizza shack. The manager of Pizza Shack welcomes Joel and his family to the shop as Joel is the winner of the pizza-for-a-year. They enjoyed the pizza. When he went home, he thought about what happened earlier. He realized that it all started when he told his teacher he had nothing to write about. Joel’s mother reminded him to finish up his homework. Joel’s started on his homework and he imagined. He imagined having a horse….or a crocodile….or even a dinasour…. CHAPTER 4: MORE WEIRD THINGS HAPPEN After the library, they headed to Mr. Gelati’s ice-cream shop. To his surprise, the shop was crowded with customers. Mr. Gelati saw Joel and ran toward him and acknowledged him as the inventor of his new ice-cream, Joel’s Jelly Baby Freeze. Again, just like in his imagination. Joel’s mother brought them to the pizza shack. The manager of Pizza Shack welcomes Joel and his family to the shop as Joel is the winner of the pizza-for-a-year. They enjoyed the pizza. When he went home, he thought about what happened earlier. He realized that it all started when he told his teacher he had nothing to write about. Joel’s mother reminded him to finish up his homework. Joel’s started on his homework and he imagined. He imagined having a horse….or a crocodile….or even a dinasour….
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA Theme The main idea in the story expressed as a generalization. Motivation Determination Motivation Determination MORAL VALUES IN THE STORY Determination Diligence Helpful MORAL VALUES IN THE STORY Determination Diligence Helpful
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA STAGES IN WORKING WITH A TEXT BEFORE READING WHILE READING AFTER READING What do you do before getting your pupils to read the story? Name some activities. Name activities which you will conduct while dealing with the story with your pupils in class. should engage your pupils What kind of activities would you carry out after reading the text? beyond the story
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA Introductory Lesson(s) Describe the general features of the book cover: title of the story picture of the main characters author’s name illustrator’s name the blurb ISBN number Ask pupils to talk about the story based on the cover. Elicit responses through Wh- questions. For example: What can you see on this book cover? What do you think is the story about? What do you think will happen to the boy in the picture? What will the ending be? Why every book has the ISBN number? Name the stage
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA Lessons Teaching and Learning Activities as well as sample lesson plans are found in the module. A variety of activities have been developed to suit the differently abled pupils. You may adapt or adopt them for use in the classroom to engage pupils in the learning of language. Assessment is an important aspect of school-based assessment. You may choose the lessons that you want to assess your pupils. Ideally, assessment should also cover all three genres. Assessment for learning also allows pupils’ to reflect on their own learning by assessing their performance or giving a personal response to the activity which they participated.
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA School-Based Assessment Sample rubrics for story telling BeginningDevelopingMasteringExcellent Content/ Comprehension Provides very limited description of the content. Provides a considerably fair amount of description of the content. Provides detailed descriptions of the content. Provides detailed and accurate descriptions of the content. Fluency Speech is sometimes halted and disrupted. Speech is sometimes hesitant with occasional lapses. Speech is generally fluent with occasional lapses. Speech is fluent and effortless. Pronunciation and Intonation Pronunciation is difficult to understand. Pronunciation is sometimes unclear and listeners need to concentrate in order to understand the speaker. Pronunciation and intonation is generally clear with minor slips. Pronunciation and intonation is very clear and easily understood by listeners. Vocabulary Limited vocabulary and frequently misuses words. Inadequate vocabulary and sometimes uses the wrong vocabulary. Adequate vocabulary and misuses words occasionally. Excellent use of vocabulary to convey meaning. Grammar Grammar and word order errors impede speech. Grammar and word order errors which occasionally produces obscure meaning. Grammar and word order usage is at a good level with only occasional mistakes. Grammar and word order usage is at a good level and speaks effortlessly.
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA PEER ASSESSMENT SHEET Group Name: _________________________ How well did the group perform? Give your opinion on how the group told the story. Place a tick in the appropriate column. Very Well Not too bad….. So…so…. They remembered the story line. They told the story in the correct sequence. They spoke fluently. They used words correctly. They had good expressions when telling the story. They worked very well with each other. They could tell the story well.
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA GROUP ASSESSMENT SHEET Group Name: _________________________ How well did we work in our groups? Give your opinion on how you worked in your groups. Place a tick in the appropriate column. Criteria Very Well Not too bad….. So…so…. We worked together. We encouraged each other. We gave our opinions. We took turns to speak. We listened to our friends as they spoke. We were able to make eye contact. We were able to complete the task on time. We were able to work out our differences.
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA MY REFLECTION My name is _______________________ The topic for today is: Did you enjoy doing the activity? Circle or colour the face. Yes No Not So Did you like working with your friends? Circle or colour the face. Yes No Not So What I learnt today? Circle the face that shows how you feel about the activity. Very Happy Happy Sad Worried Angry What do you want to tell your teacher?
Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN MALAYSIA 17