Overview Examples of TranSight Applications What Does TranSight Analyze? Model Structure
Transportation Applications Long-Range Planning Demand Management Evaluating Financing Mechanisms Capturing Benefits of Transit Investments Benefit-Cost Comparison by Project Large-Scale Multimodal Investments Lane Closure/Reconstruction
Case Study Preview - Impacts of I-405 and SR509 Expansion in Washington
TranSight Analyzes Construction Phase Impacts Project Specific Financing Emissions Safety User Benefits (Operating Costs, Value of Time) Improved Mobility Agglomeration Effects!
Construction & Financing Detailed by $ amount of investments – Construction labor and materials – Professional services – Special Equipment Captures the effects of project spending over time and accounts for economic feedback of projects financed through: – user fees such as tolls – other mechanisms such as tax increases
Emissions Estimated based upon Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and Vehicle Hours Traveled (VHT) TranSight examines CO, NO x, SO x, PM 10, and VOCs and the health costs associated with them Adjustable parameters
Safety Accident rates influenced by changes in VMT Categorized by accident type by Fatalities, Injuries, and Property Damage Only Adjustable parameters
User Benefits Estimates fuel and non-fuel operating expenses Value of time Based upon VMT, VHT, regional wage, and fuel efficiency Adjustable parameters
New Economic Geography The New Economic Geography : The Impacts of Agglomeration Economics. Focus: – Access to labor and material inputs for industries rely on a good transportation system – Productivity gains are realized due to dense labor and product pools – Trade flows such as region-to-region transportation links are the conduit for regional economic growth
Mobility, Agglomeration, and the Cost Matrix Driven by adjustments in VMT, VHT, Trips Calculates changes to the Effective Distance between economic regions: – Commuter Cost Matrix – Accessibility Cost Matrix – Transportation Cost Matrix
Structure Simple to Operate Transparent Structure Project Specific Robust Results
Transparent Structure
Examples of Result Types Jobs (by industry) Gross Regional Product (by final demand and value-add) Personal Income (by income accounts) Productivity (by industry) Output (by industry) Trade Flows (by industry) Population (by industry)
TranSight estimates the total impact of transportation projects on the local economy including: Construction Phase Emissions and Safety Productivity Impacts (through agglomeration)
Coming Up Next Time Session 2 Interfacing with the tool Developing simulations Session 3 Review of client applications