Presents PROCEPTION2 DISC based reports
DISCovering the Styles By Bill Schult CBA, CBMA Use the power of DISC to communicate, manage, motivate and improve working relationships on your team and in your organization.
History of DISC The origins of DISC date to the ancient Greeks. Hippocrates the famous Greek who wrote the Hippocratic Oath, described human behavior using four factors. He based these behaviors on the four Greek elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth, These factors were used by physicians more than a thousand years after Hippocrates death. Today, DISC behavioral profiling is built around a more scientific basis than the four elements used by Hippocrates.
History of DISC The DISC theory was introduced in the 1920’s, in William Moulton Marston’s book, The Emotions of Normal People. He was one of the first to apply psychology in understanding normal people, outside a clinical setting. Marston, is best known for his research and development of the polygraph or ‘lie detector.’ Marston developed the DISC model to help demonstrate his ideas of human motivation. The simple twenty-four-item questionnaire was used to help him quickly identify different behavioral types for analysis and comparison. From these humble beginnings, DISC has become one of the most widely-used behavioral assessment in the world.
What is DISC DISC is a universal observable language. It is a common language to help identify the subtle differences in people. There are 64,000 permutations of DISC. Strength of DISC is in its ability to describe an individual’s behavior. It can help identify, understand and appreciate the DISC behaviors of self and others. DISC gives individuals an unbiased look at their personal behavioral style. True power of DISC can be seen when our Proception2 software interprets the interrelationship between the four DISC factors. (Example- A High Dominate with a High Influencing factor will act very different than a High Dominant with a Low Influencing factor)
Observable Dimensions of Behavior Dominance Influence Steadiness Compliance ProblemsPeoplePaceProcedures How an individual responds to problems How an individual attempts to influence others How an individual responds to activities How an individual responds to rules and procedures
Marston’s Theory The Four Behaviors D – Drive – Challenge How you respond to problems I – Influencing – Contacts How you influence others S – Steadiness – Consistency How you respond to activity C – Compliance – Conforming How you respond to rules/procedures D I s C ACTIVE FAVORABLEFAVORABLE PASSIVE ANTAGONISTICANTAGONISTIC
Proception2 Reports Available Individual Sales Manager Interview Assistant Business Motivators
Why Use Proception2? Business oriented databases Ability to generate unique reports Statistically accurate Style Insights Map Chart up to 14 individuals on the map Highly accurate reports Industry leading DISC Sales report Private label for client is available
Style Insights Map Now you can actually visualize how members of a team will work and communicate. Simply plot each member of a team on each individual’s Style Insights Map to see how members of the team will work and communicate. Each team member will have his/her Style Insights Map with Green, Yellow and Red. When a team member is in the respective team member’s “GREEN” zone they will communicate and relate well. When a team member is in the respective team member’s “YELLOW” zone they will communicate and relate reasonably well. When a team member is in the respective team member’s “RED” zone they will usually have difficulty communicating and relating with each other. See the sample individual Style Insights Map on the next slide. Team members can be plotted on the person’s individual map.
Style Insight Map
Powerful Sales Report 8 Key Sales Areas: Control of the sales process Competition New Ideas and Change Presentation Close Service Response to Management
Dynamic Reports Personalized Proception2 Reports Include- Potential Strengths in Business Adjustment to the Work Environment Adjustment Word Portrait Personal Performance Motivators Personal Growth Suggestions Communication Barriers Primary & Adjusted DISC Graphs Notable Primary Behaviors Primary Style Word Portrait Preferred Work Environment Strengths to the Team Performance Enhancement Communications Builders DISC Intensity Graphs Action Plan
What Pro2 Users Tell Us - Our reports are highly accurate They like the business orientation of the reports They like the Word Portrait page The Style Insights Map is revealing The DISC Intensity page is helpful
What Pro2 Users Told Us - Usefulness of reports – A group of 165 test takers rated their reports as Extremely Accurate (54%) and Very Accurate (41%).
Client Benefits- Powerful, easy to ready DISC based behavioral reports A one time client set-up fee No Annual site access fees Maximum Potential provides site use training for all clients Client support for site administration
Thank You Save money when you buy our reports in larger quantities Receive what our clients say is the best service in the industry Have access to our other assessments developed by licensed psychologists Buy our online training courses (over 300 courses) To learn more- Please call us at or us at