Partnership Forum 2014 Welcome
What’s New in the QA Office? Two Dedicated Collaborative Provision Staff Tina Hagger – New Collaborative Provision Matthew Redmond – Existing Provision Page 2
What’s Going on at Kent? - HER QAA Joint Briefing: approximately in the week commencing 15 September 2014 Preparatory meeting: approximately in the week commencing 17 November 2014 Deadline for the upload of the self-evaluation document and supporting evidence: 15 December 2014 Review visit: week commencing 9 March 2015 Programme Confirmed: four weeks before 9/3 Page 3
Higher Education Review – HE With Others Where [partners] are subject to QAA review, in any form, the review of the provider making the awards will be confined to the management of the arrangement by that provider, and to the setting and maintenance of academic standards. The reviewers will not consider the quality of learning opportunities, information and enhancement - because they will be addressed in the review of the other organisation. Page 4
Higher Education Review – HE With Others Where you have significant formal arrangements for working with partners, delivery organisations or support providers who are not themselves subject to QAA review in any form, the review team may wish to meet staff and students from one or more of those organisations in person or by video or teleconference. These meetings will normally take place within the period of the review visit Page 5
Higher Education Review – HE With Others The QAA want to see: the most recently concluded formal agreement between the provider and the other organisation, at the organisation and the programme level the report of the process through which the provider assured itself that the organisation was appropriate to deliver or support its awards, or of the most recent renewal of that approval. Page 6
Higher Education Review – HE With Others the most recent annual and periodic review reports held by the provider, together with the report of the most recent programme approval the two most recent reports from external examiners with responsibilities for the relevant programmes included in the sample, together with the information that allowed the provider to be satisfied that the points made by the external examiners had been addressed. Page 7
UK Quality Code – October 2013 Publications UK Quality Code for Higher Education - Part A: Setting and maintaining academic standardsUK Quality Code for Higher Education - Part A: Setting and maintaining academic standards Chapter B1: Programme design, development and approvalChapter B1: Programme design, development and approval Chapter B2: Recruitment, selection and admission to higher educationChapter B2: Recruitment, selection and admission to higher education Chapter B6: Assessment of students and the recognition of prior learningChapter B6: Assessment of students and the recognition of prior learning Chapter B8: Programme monitoring and review Page 8
B10 – Managing HE with Others Kent’s “Collaborative Provision Policies and Procedures” now revised to be B10 compliant. B10: Risk, proportionality, broadening of scope Due Diligence – more detailed, yet more flexible Risk Assessments – Context MoAs – Legal dimension better covered Page 9
Kent’s Code of Practice – New Sections In development: Student Engagement in QA Information About HE Provision Annex O: Partner Colleges Page 10
What Else is New at Kent? B7, External Examining, Indicator 14 Institutions make external examiners' annual reports available in full to students, with the sole exception of any confidential report made directly, and separately, to the head of the institution. s/index.htmlhttps:// s/index.html Page 11
What Else is New at Kent? Student Feedback Survey – Validated Institutions “The team took the view that by tending not to assure itself that the summaries of student feedback reported by partners were an accurate synopsis of the raw data, the University's oversight in this area was lacking. The team, therefore, regards it as desirable for the University to review the mechanisms by which it oversees the feedback from students reported by partner institutions.” Page 12
What Else is New at Kent? Student Feedback Survey – Validated Institutions Experience of the programme and knowledge of Kent’s processes Intention to run this academic year Collecting addresses – by end March Bespoke link for each institution Students access link / complete survey Page 13
What Else is New at Kent? Management of concessions Tweaks to marking conventions Three attempts now automatic Programme Pathways – Defined Categorical Marking – Mark added (25) Page 14
QA Newsletter – Source of Information Published almost monthly (9 times in 2013) Received by every partner Sets out all changes to regulations, conventions, codes and procedures Page 15