By: Christopher Spirito
K was born on February 9, 1947.
She was born in Burlington, Vermont.
K is a published author.
The books she wrote are: Father Sandro’s Money, Time Has A Way, and Yesterday, Tommy Gray Drowned.
Her book has been used for book reports in history, by high school students. Father Sandro’s Money
She was married and rasied her four children in the New Hampshire area.
Her books are written here, and based in the New England area. She also lives in the area.
She’s my grandmother.
She likes history.
She takes articles from papers and rereads them, and sometimes includes them in her writing.
She has a great imagination.
In the fourth grade she wrote a short story without it being assigned.
Her cat, My Dogue Spot, inspires her a lot.
She enjoys roller blading and sailing.
Her favorite authors are Robert B. Pacher, and William Martin.
In the 60’s she had a job building power supplies for the Lunar Excursion Module that sits on the moon.
She is a certified captain for private water vessels.
That’s some facts about K Spirito. BYE