“Put It in Writing” Adding Value to Company Knowledge
The Knowledge Chain data message revision and coordination knowledge message creation message use information
Professional Writing 87% of all business writing is done in a group or team. The average business document is reviewed by 3-5 people by the time the final draft is complete. 100% of all business documents are created within an organizational culture.
Writing Procedure “Prewrite” determine audience and purpose perform research and analysis Draft format to meet internal, external needs Edit revise for effectiveness, clarity, readability
Writing Procedure “Prewrite” determine audience and purpose perform research and analysis Draft format to meet internal, external needs Edit revise for effectiveness, clarity, readability
Collect the Data Context Who is the audience? What is my purpose? What does the audience know? Facts What do I know? Need to know? Action What will this data be used for?
Writing Procedure Prewrite determine audience and purpose perform research and analysis Draft format to meet internal, external needs Edit revise for effectiveness, clarity, readability
Data into Information Organization How will this data be used? Do a Task: Instructions Step one, step two, step three…. Understand a Concept: Description Big picture; details Make a Decision: Issues Problem, Cause, Solution, Cost
Writing Procedure “Prewrite” determine audience and purpose perform research and analysis Draft format to meet internal, external needs Edit revise for effectiveness, clarity, readability
Editing Step One evaluate content of document document responsive to context, situation? message clear to a “new” reader? beginning section provide accurate summary? body data valid and complete? supported by examples or data? all the steps in the logic provided? headers accurately represent section content? Has the data been turned into the required information?
Editing Step Two evaluate message format does it conform to requests and expectations? is it clean, crisp and professional looking? are address/signature details correct? political? are layout elements lined up and consistent? do graphics support the message? are ideas presented in a reasonable, clear order? Does it look like a memo? memo
Editing Step Three evaluate writing style focus on an action or decision; active voice reader’s needs recognized; sales attitude tone assertive and straightforward; direct prose clear, concise and direct; no redundant words or sentences not too informal, nor too bureaucratic and wordy no inappropriate gender-specific language Does the document sound “businesslike”?
Eliminate filler words Use active voice Use specific words Use short words Use adjectives Say it only once
Eliminate filler words Use active voice Use specific words Use short words Use adjectives Say it only once
I feel that we should go ahead with this project. The reason we are recommending this product is because focus groups have loved it. There are three key principles of that are used in this organization.
Eliminate filler words Use active voice Use specific words Use short words Use adjectives Say it only once
All distributors sales totals will be reviewed. Management will be the reviewers. Management will review distributors’ sales totals. Meetings were held last week. Teams involved included marketing, sales and accounting. Marketing, sales and accounting teams held meetings last week.
Eliminate filler words Use active voice Use specific words Use short words Use adjectives Say it only once
TopicVague wordsGeneric words Specific words Who?Managementthe regional manager Jim Mitchell does What?reviewevaluate performance verify that discount classification criteria have been met by When?soonannuallyevery January Where?at a convenient location at the officein Jim Mitchell’s office How much?the proper amount published minimums sales of at least $4K How many?somethe agreed amount five
Eliminate filler words Use active voice Use specific words Use short words Use adjectives Say it only once
accompanied by with afford an opportunity allow, permit are as follows are in the event that if at this point in time currently, now at an early date soon eliminate the possibilities of prevent during the course of during in compliance with your request as requested on the grounds that because in view of the fact that because was of the opinion believed, thought for the purpose of to during the time that while due to the fact that because in terms of of
Eliminate filler words Use active voice Use specific words Use short words Use adjectives Say it only once
The committee seldom considered grievances of a controversial nature. The committee seldom considered controversial grievances. The skids were stacked in an unsafe manner. The skids were stacked unsafely. All letters that contain information about proof of purchase must be forwarded to the assistant in charge of marketing. All proof of purchase letters must be forwarded to the marketing assistant.
Eliminate filler words Use active voice Use specific words Use short words Use adjectives Say it only once
They wished to purchase draperies that were blue in color. Every manager is asked to plan ahead for the summer’s production. We will ask every department to purchase only the basic essentials. Production will resume again in July. The meeting will be kept brief in duration. The department heads have been asked to cooperate together in this project.
Editing Step Four proofread language use read sentences for complete logic check that all words are used correctly read words for spelling pairs scan for correct punctuation check key grammar areas insure that mood, tense, person are consistent and logical 80-90% of errors are “stupid mistakes”