Houston Craigslist Scam Busted Authorities have arrested a Spring woman, her husband and her mother in connection with a sophisticated Craigslist home leasing scam. Police say at least six families in Houston, Pasadena and north Harris County fell victim to the crime. You may click here to see their pictures.You may click here to see their pictures Investigators said Ariel Sustaita, 23, posted rental ads on Craigslist for homes she didn’t own, and then secured keys to the houses from the inspection company where she used to work. Some of the victims even moved in and paid her for several months rent. Deputies also arrested Sustaita's mother, Flora Sustaita, 39, and Ariel Sustaita's husband, Gabriel Jimenez, 20. They say additional arrests are likely. Assistant Chief Mark Herman, with Harris County Constable Precinct 4, said Ariel Sustaita was able to change the locks on a majority of the houses, placing her own lockboxes on the doors. The scheme unraveled when one victim called investigators and they set up a sting. He agreed to meet Sustaita at a coffee shop to pay rent. When she arrived, constables arrested her and charged her with felony theft. If you have any information that could assist the authorities, please contact Harris County Assistant Chief Deputy Mark Herman at
HAR Tool of the Week InstantCMA By preparing an impressive and accurate comparative market analysis (CMA) for your clients, you develop your marketplace knowledge and your assurance in your pricing recommendations. That knowledge and certainty will instill client confidence and wise decision-making. In order to help you provide a comprehensive CMA for your clients in a matter of minutes, HAR has developed InstantCMA for desktop and mobile use. InstantCMA allows you to quickly and efficiently create a comparative market analysis for your clients from a desktop or mobile device. Generate professional and sleek PDFs with side-by-side comparisons & photos Easy design with more consumer-friendly details Share reports with your clients on Facebook, other social media outlets, or by providing a QR code For more information, go to
Weekly HAR Market Stat So far this summer, housing has achieved a soft, warm glow. If healing growth in the economy and labor markets persists, housing will be more than ready to weather tapering Fed activity – regardless of when it comes. Both local and national market indicators can't yet contradict any confidence in rising home prices or dwindling inventory supplies. Here’s what’s happening in Houston: In the Houston region, for the week ending August 18: New Listings increased 14.9% to 2,145 Pending Sales increased 30.4% to 1,835 Closed Sales increased 7.7% to 1,647
Questions? ext. 6 Open Your Mind to Learning Register at Broker Responsibility The purpose of this course is to address the regulatory aspects of the management, operation and supervision of a real estate brokerage firm in Texas. This course provides an understanding and working knowledge of the law of agency, planning and organization of business entities, requirements for written policies and procedures, records retention and control, advertising, recruitment and training of agents, and the anatomy of a complaint filed with Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC). Date: Friday, September 6 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Location: HAR Montgomery Investment: $50 Date: Friday, September 13 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Location: HAR Central Investment: $50