responsAbility Social Investments AG responsAbility Social Investments AG MCPI Conference Manila, 26 and 27 th July 2012
responsAbility Social Investments AG Our guiding Principles Page 2 All our investments aim at financial return AND development impact We invest in basic needs at the Base of the Pyramid Investment drivers are entrepreneurship and market mechanisms We invest responsibly and sustainably We are transparent and account for what we do
responsAbility Social Investments AG Who we are Leader in Social Investments Focus on investment themes: Microfinance, Fair Trade, SME Financing Geographical focus: Developing countries and emerging markets FINMA-regulated asset manager 90 employees 5 offices in Switzerland, France, Peru, Kenya, India Founded 2003 >1 billion AuM Products in various asset classes (debt, equity, etc.) Page 3
responsAbility Social Investments AG Where we are Our local presence responsAbility local presences Source: responsAbility Social Performance Report 2012 potential investment universe Current Portfolio 70 Countries 253 Microfinance institutions, 25 partners in ESE Asia 45 Fair Trade cooperatives 43 Small and medium-sized enterprises Page 4
responsAbility Social Investments AG Who supports us Founding Organisations and Shareholders A Global Leader in Wealth Management Largest Swiss Retail Banking Group Traditional Swiss Banquier Privé Traditional Swiss Asset Management Bank Leader in Structured Products A Global Leader in Reinsurance A Leading Social Investor Staff and Management Page 5
responsAbility Social Investments AG Recognition and awards Page 6 Memberships Signed Participation on the advisory board Awards
Over-indebtedness Relevance of Over-indebtedness (OID) Social & financial harm Negative impact on borrowers, MFIs and investors responsAbility ’s Approach to Responsible Investing Research on Over-indebtedness : early warning index Inclusion of the OI analysis at various steps or rA credit approval process (country, market and MFI levels) 7
responsAbility Social Investments AG Our investment Process Approval investment committee Feedback to the institution Investment Decision Investment Execution Monitoring Reporting ScreeningSourcing Meeting with potential clients/partners Assessment of the need Eligibility criteria Country and market research Due diligence Loan documentation KYC Feedback Ongoing monitoring Further financing needs? Risk Management Page 8
responsAbility Social Investments AG Our offer in the Philippines Our team dedicated senior investment officer including 2 based in Hong Kong Financing offer Loans and debt securities Senior, usually unsecured USD or USD indexed on PHP Minimum amount of USD 250,000; typical transactions are between USD 1 million and USD 15 million Repayment structures in line with clients’ needs maturities range from 1–3 years for senior debt Investment Criteria Total assets of at least USD 1 million, variety of legal structure (NGO, rural banks, cooperatives, thrift banks) Business track record of a minimum of three years Profitable and sustainable operations Transparency shown toward responsAbility in a due diligence process Page 9