The Partition of Africa Ch. 12 Sec. 2 The Partition of Africa
Before the Imperialism of 1800’s Ottoman empire ruled much of N. Africa West Africa – Usman dan Fodio, set up a successful Islamic state and inspired other Muslim reform movements East Africa – had long been influenced by Islam with profitable port cities South Africa – the Zulus emerged under ruthless leader Shaka Sets off migrant wars and then the arrival of Boers
European Contact Increases Explorers push into the interior using the great African rivers (Niger, Nile, Congo) Missionaries follow Build schools, churches and medical clinics But treat like children (paternalistic) David Livingston – best known Met with less bias than other Europeans Opposed slave trade (open up to Christianity and trade) Henry Stanley – journalist sent to find him Turned to economic interests of the African interior
African Scramble 1871 King Leopold II (African king) hires Stanley to explore Private interests of conquest and profit Causes Britain, France, Germany to join scramble Berlin Conference used to prevent conflict Europeans met to agree on how to divide Africa In the 20 years that followed Partition most of Africa, take resources, little regard for Africans Leopold expelled after horrors reported Boer War British acquired S. Africa, Boers resist after discovery of gold and diamonds British win at great cost set up the Union of South Africa
Resistance Menelik II united rival princes and modernizes the country Army fights off the Italians and remains independent Western-educated African elite Emerges and by early 1900’s leaders are begin nationalist movements towards independence
Europe in Muslim Regions Ch. 12 Sec. 3 Europe in Muslim Regions
Muslim Empires 1500’s Ottomans (Middle East), Safavids (Persia) and Mughals (India) 1700’s All in decline due to corruption and discontent Muslim reform movements arose Stressed spiritual devotion and strict rules on how to act Some opposed foreign expansion in Muslim areas In addition, faced threats from Western Imperialists
Ottoman Problems Ideas of nationalism spread from Western Europe, people from within the empire begin to rebel Pashas wanted more power Some look to Western ideas on reforming the government and its rigid rules Sultans reject reform look towards autocracy Young Turks (liberals) overthrew Sultan but WW I interrupts planned reforms Nationalist tensions triggered a brutal genocide of Armenians (Christian) by the Turks (Muslim) Accused of supporting Russian plans against Ottomans
Egypt Early 1800’s semi-independent province in Ottoman empire Muhammad Ali “Father of Modern Egypt” Introduced political and economic reforms Built a well-trained modern army and conquered neighboring lands Dies in 1849 with Egypt on its way to becoming a Middle Eastern power Successors lack same skills Suez canal built with high interest loans, can’t pay off Shares in canal bought by Britain leads to their control of Egypt as a protectorate
Persia Russia Britain Early 1900’s discovery of oil Wanted territory to protect its southern frontier and expand into central Asia Britain Wanted to protect its interests in India Early 1900’s discovery of oil Heightened interests in Persia and both plotted to control oil fields Persian government granted concessions and foreign powers sent troops to protect Outraged nationalists split into two groups Adopt western ways Muslim religious leaders condemn Persian govt. and west