The Impacts and Efficacy of Social Networks as Part of e-Learning at the English Department, Petra Christian University Marsella Hatane Petra Christian University, Indonesia
Background Students and lecturers at the English Department, Petra Christian University, have used internet to support their activities, works, and assignment. Internet social networks
Background Facebook Users have reached the number of four hundred million users from all over the world. English Dept. share assignment and announcement easily Facebook classroom activities Research Paper Writing Class discussion board
Thesis Statement The use of group discussion in facebook should offer some strong points and advantages to the students.
Research Question What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of the use of facebook discussion group in research paper writing class? Is the use of facebook discussion board in the research paper writing class is efficient?
Theories Advantages –Serves as a medium for experiencing and presenting creative works. (Singhal, 1997) –Promotes higher order thinking skills. (Mike, 1996) –Increases the participation when it is used in classroom environment (Sullivan and Pratt, 1996; Warschauer, 1996). –It changes teacher and students' roles (Peterson, 1997) and makes learning more student-centered.
Theories Disadvantages –When lines are busy due to many users, it may take time to access information or browse the Net and technical glitches themselves can lead to frustration (Singhal, 1997).
Method Questionnaire Given in the Facebook discussion board 40 writing students Research Paper Writing Class
Findings and Discussion Efficacy from Facecook Discussion Board
Findings and Discussion
Conclusion and Suggestion Facebook discussion board gives a number of benefits to the students such as improving their critical thinking, grammar, writing, and communication skills, and also exposing them to current issues. Facebook discussion board is a technology that will have significant implications for both teaching and learning. Teachers are encouraged to explore Facebook, its various functions, as well as its possible benefits.