Topic 4 - Home Business Online shopping, booking and verification of data
Starter 1.Analyse this graph. 2.Why do you think this trend is forming?
Erbyn diwedd y wers bydd gennym Analyse the advantages and disadvantages to the customer and store of online shopping. Identify online booking and verification methods.
Online Shopping / E-commerce Online shopping is purchasing goods and services on the Internet List all the different goods and services that can be purchased online.
Have you bought online? What is the process for Online Shopping? 1.Customers browse online catalogues. 2.They add goods to their virtual shopping basket/trolley. 3.They go to the checkout. 4.They then enter their card (debit or credit) details and other details, which are encrypted for security reasons. Question – What do you think the advantage and disadvantages are for both customer and store of online shopping?
The battle between traditional stores and online stores Traditional shops may lose jobs Companies who fail to get involved online shopping will see lower profits City centres become deserted as shops close down
Advantages of Online booking Holiday Book 24/7 Check availability Book from the comfort of your home. More time to look for holidays than when at a travel agent. Make savings when booking direct because no travel agent commission to pay. Read reports of people who have been on the same holiday that you intend to book. Arrange your own travel and accommodation. Find out about the resort before you go.
Advantages Online Booking – Cinema 24/7 Check availability Check compare prices Read reviews Lower Price for booking in advance Easier for disabled customers who don’t need to leave home to BOOK. Don’t have to turn up as early to queue as tickets are already purchased Pre-order tickets for films not yet released
Disadvantages of online booking – Holiday You have to enter credit/debit card details and these may not be kept safe. People could hack into the site and know you were away and burgle your house. There is no personal service like at a high street travel agent. You could easily enter the wrong information and book the wrong flights.
Disadvantages online booking – cinema Pay booking fee Not everyone has internet access Online fraud/fake websites
Verification of booking Need to check: credit card number entered is correct by comparing it again with the number on the actual card card expiry date all the fields that should have data in them contain data all the name and address details are correct – this is particularly important with flight tickets, where the name on the passport has to match that on the tickets passport numbers against the numbers on the actual passports.