The Employee Self Service Portal facilitates Employee Database Administration System. It provides access to a comprehensive employee database. The employee database acts a centralized repository of vital employee related information available to HR, Employees and Managers. Its inherent employee self-service capabilities ensure that this data remains current without tedious data entry by HR personnel. The Employee Self Service Portal is the base on which all other functional modules can be added effortlessly to create a comprehensive employee self service based HR system. Empowering employees in their day-to-day activities requires furnishing them anytime, anywhere access. to enable them get access to information pertaining to themselves as well the people in their teams. In absence of these, employees are left wondering and waste time chasing people and paper. At the same time supporting these mundane repetitive tasks can be a big drag on the HR function leaving them with little time for other developmental avenues.
How to login Browse Choose ESS (Employee Self Service) User id : your employee id Ex. 99A1064 Password: your password Note: Password details send to your mobile & s After successful login it will take you to ESS home page
Employee can apply for the following under APPLICATION: Leave On Duty Vacation Odd Punch Employee can view the following under “INFORMATION” Leave approved or not On Duty approved or not Vacation information Odd Punch details Employee can be view attendance details under calendar Abbreviations details P – PresentW- Weekly off V- Vacation H- HolidayA- Absent L – Leave SL – Special Leave OD- On Duty Odd Punch - only one punch available Right side NOTIFICATIONS to be planned for following Birthday alerts Alerts from HR department Many more….
Approval Mechanism: Employee can apply for leaves through online. On Duty endorsements can also be done through ESS portal. It requires approval from the competent authority. Employee can check the status of approval/rejection/pending status through ESS. Attendance to be captured only through biometric attendance system. Henceforth no manual registers shall be maintained. Late arrivals or early departures captured automatically through the system. Any missing punch shall be treated as ODD PUNCH. Only 2 odd punches are allowed provided it has to be regularized by the competent authority. Every 3 odd punches post-regularisation shall be treated as one half day Absent. 3 late arrivals/ early departures shall be treat as one half day Absent.
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