Systemdevelopment – many opportunities In system development it is a must, that you have a working relationship between different persons with different education and experience because it is not possible to have all qualification to do a system development project alone.
Problems in system development User organisation analyse is missing Different work methods (different parts of a project need different work methods) Missing baselines Missing test Many post’pone timetabels Bad communication channels
Situation and action It is not possible to make an idealsituation for system development because: -The user organisation do nok know what they want -Even if we know the assignment and the requirements, we often hae to change the designs -We cant see all from the beginning. We have to make experiments during the project -Requirements will change -Humas mistakes -You have to use eqipment from former projects.
Project situations Situation/ characteristi cs Assignment/ problem WorkformRisk RutineKnown little Problem- solving KnownUnknownMedium Problem- definition KnownUnknownBig
Projects and contracts Type of Activity/Contract Overall Design (Product contract) Project charter (Internal contract) SearchFinding those who are going to participate in determining the system’s properties. Finding the project group members NegotiationInformal and formal talks, meetings and written communication about the design. Dicussion of, and decisions on, how the project should be designed, and who is responsible for which tasks
ControlUser test of completed system Status meetings in the project group, where the actual course of the project is compared to the project charter. MaintenanceInformal and formal meetings, where the overall design is diskussed and interpreted, and where questions are raised as all the invilved parties learn more. May result in renegotiations The project work and other professional and private activities maintaining the values, social relations, and commitments keeping the project group together.
Contracts can be formal and unformal but is it important to keep in mind that it takes time to control and manage contracts. Remember that you have to know the disserent laws about registers, personal information and working condition. Figure 2.8 show formulations from different laws in scandinavia
assignments Assignment 1.1 – part 1 Assignment 1.2
Project establishment – a good investment Why is it important to make a project establishment ? -Make a more realistic start (economic, organisational and human resources). -Make a common understanding af the project -Make a better relationship between the project grouyp and the user organisation. -Make the project group a better unit -Project management is easier.
Establishing the setting Analysis of and influence clarification of the on conditions. overall projectdesign. The assignment Other objectives Interest groups Standards, laws and agrements Equipment Staff and resources The product- and process contracts The project organisation Critical conditions Working practices Training Social relations
Project establishment Groupwork (personal expatations and kvalifications) Project management – groupleader one or more Education Socialisation Structure – written statements, structure in groupmeetings.
More assignments Assignment 2.1 Assignment 4.1 (make the assignment for the new project you have to do in this semester)