Listening The Telegraph: Business video: building better relationships In this video, an expert panel discusses the ways technology could impact on the relationships businesses have with consumers. Write down key words as you listen. siness-technology/ /better-business- relationships.html siness-technology/ /better-business- relationships.html
Some key words: In what context were they mentioned? More frequent, cheaper communication B2B, B2C, B2Me Smartphone Products, services tailored to the consumer, personalization Algorithmic marketing Predictive analysis Information mining No planning, immediacy Everything always available on screens Real-time One-to-one Twitter
Listen again and answer the questions siness-technology/ /better-business- relationships.html siness-technology/ /better-business- relationships.html How will business – consumer relationships change in the future? How will they communicate? How will employees’ roles be different? What changes does the panel predict in people’s behaviour in general?
Research task Do online research on a technological innovation. Explain: In what field is the innovation. What makes the new solution better than older solutions to the same problem? What is necessary for it to become widespread?
The mobile/cell phone market How would you describe the global mobile phone market? What does it mean that a market is saturated? Do you think that there is still space for growth in this market? Where?
“In the least developed parts of the world, entrepreneurs such as Bangladesh’s ‘telephone ladies’ rent out mobiles by the minute.” How do these women have money to buy the phone and pay the phonebill? Why would poor villagers need to use the phone?
The march of the mobiles Watch and check your answers:
Reading Vocabulary 1 p – i 2 – c3 – g 4 – f 5 – a6 – e 7 – h8 – b9 – d
Reading Vocabulary 2 COMPOUND NOUNS/ WORD PARTNERSHIPS p. 45 internet technology internet access mass market market share market leader information technology computer technology computer programmer computer access profit margin consumer product consumer market
Relative clauses Defining The woman who lives next door is a doctor. who, that, which The woman was away on holiday. I wanted to see the woman. (object) The woman (who) I wanted to see was away on holiday. Non-defining My sister Sue, who lives next door, is a doctor. no “that”
Reading Practice p market leader 3 market share 4 profit margins 5 networks 6 model 7 design 8 internet access 9 downloads 10 coverage