Oregon Reading First Orientation Holiday Inn Portland Airport November 12, 2002 Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Reading First Timeline Includes grant requirements Includes grant requirements Fall 2002—June 2005: Grant Application for Cohort A, Fall 2002 Grant Application for Cohort A, Fall 2002 Grant Application for Cohort B, Fall 2004 Grant Application for Cohort B, Fall 2004
Timeline: Letter of Intent to Apply for Reading First Due December 19, 2002 Due December 19, 2002
Timeline: Grant Writing Workshop January 7-8, 2003 January 7-8, 2003
Timeline: Selecting Programs Districts/schools will not select reading programs and supplementary materials as part of their grant applications. Districts/schools will not select reading programs and supplementary materials as part of their grant applications. Rather, selection of programs and materials will take place after initial funding and following the first Institute of Beginning Reading, June 16-20, 2003.
Timeline: Curriculum Review Panel The Reading First Curriculum Review Panel will develop the review process December through January. The Reading First Curriculum Review Panel will develop the review process December through January. The Review Process will be posted online in February The Review Process will be posted online in February Reading programs and supplemental materials will be reviewed February through June Reading programs and supplemental materials will be reviewed February through June (pg. 71, Oregon’s Application) (pg. 71, Oregon’s Application)
Timeline: Reading First Application Due Date March 3, 2003 March 3, 2003
Timeline: Date of Grant Awards April 17, 2003 April 17, 2003 State Board Meeting State Board Meeting
Timeline: When is the first professional development activity? June 16-20, 2003 June 16-20, 2003 Oregon Reading First Institute of Beginning Reading Institute of Beginning Reading Oregon Convention Center Oregon Convention Center
Reading First Institute of Beginning Reading—June Licensed K-3 staff from Reading First schools are required to attend: Licensed K-3 staff from Reading First schools are required to attend: All principals All principals All K-3 teachers All K-3 teachers All K-3 special education teachers All K-3 special education teachers All K-3 Title I teachers All K-3 Title I teachers All K-3 teachers of English language learners All K-3 teachers of English language learners District special education specialists are invited District special education specialists are invited
How do districts apply for Reading First? Districts select eligible schools that are ready to faithfully implement Reading First
The School Readiness Tool
School Readiness Tool: Definition The School Readiness Tool is a survey designed by the NWREL to help districts gauge the willingness of school staff to embrace and implement the required components of Reading First. The School Readiness Tool is a survey designed by the NWREL to help districts gauge the willingness of school staff to embrace and implement the required components of Reading First. (pg. 63, Oregon’s Application)
School Readiness Tool: Components Reading Skill Development Reading Skill Development Reading Instruction Reading Instruction Professional Development Professional Development Scientific Research Base in Reading Scientific Research Base in Reading Planning and Implementing Planning and Implementing
School Readiness Tool: Use Districts: Districts: Administer the survey to all K-3 educators at each eligible school Administer the survey to all K-3 educators at each eligible school Tabulate the results by school Tabulate the results by school Use the results to help determine if the eligible school is in fact ready to be part of the district’s application Use the results to help determine if the eligible school is in fact ready to be part of the district’s application Summarize the results for each school using the forms provided for both selected and non- selected schools Summarize the results for each school using the forms provided for both selected and non- selected schools
What else is available to help districts determine school readiness? Districts and schools may order videotapes of today’s Reading First Orientation. (See order form in the packet; please fill out and leave at the registration table.) Districts and schools may order videotapes of today’s Reading First Orientation. (See order form in the packet; please fill out and leave at the registration table.) Principals may choose to schedule meetings for staff to view the video and to discuss Reading First. Principals may choose to schedule meetings for staff to view the video and to discuss Reading First. On site visits by ODE staff are available upon request. On site visits by ODE staff are available upon request.
Why must schools be ready for Reading First? Federal Law, HR 1 Part B Subpart 1 Section 1202 (e) (3) CONSEQUENCES OF INSUFFICIENT PROGRESS, ties continued state funding to measurable progress toward the Reading First goal of all children reading at grade level by grade 3.
Why must schools be ready for Reading First? The US DOE will monitor Oregon Reading First grants to 1) assure that districts and schools are making achievement gains and 2) to assure fidelity of Reading First implementation. The US DOE will monitor Oregon Reading First grants to 1) assure that districts and schools are making achievement gains and 2) to assure fidelity of Reading First implementation. Districts and schools that do not make progress will not receive subsequent year’s funding and will jeopardize state Reading First funding. Districts and schools that do not make progress will not receive subsequent year’s funding and will jeopardize state Reading First funding.
Why must schools be ready for Reading First? The Oregon Department of Education is required to submit a report each June on the progress of each Reading First District and each Reading First school. Continued funding to each school depends on sufficient progress using an internal/external evaluation model: The Oregon Department of Education is required to submit a report each June on the progress of each Reading First District and each Reading First school. Continued funding to each school depends on sufficient progress using an internal/external evaluation model: Year One—Faithful implementation Year One—Faithful implementation Year Two—High quality implementation and Year Two—High quality implementation and improving student reading outcomes improving student reading outcomes Year Three—The same as Year Two Year Three—The same as Year Two (pg. 160 and166, Oregon’s Application)
The Application Process Step 1: The district makes a determination for each eligible school: the school is ready to be part of the school is ready to be part of the district’s application or the district’s application or the school is not ready. the school is not ready.
The Application Process Step 2a: By December 19, 2002, the district will send a Letter of Intent to the Oregon Department of Education listing the names of the schools selected to be part of the district’s Reading First application. By December 19, 2002, the district will send a Letter of Intent to the Oregon Department of Education listing the names of the schools selected to be part of the district’s Reading First application. (See packet for directions) (See packet for directions)
The Application Process Step 2b: i. The Selected School Form explains the district’s rationale for selecting each of the schools that are found to be ready, using the School Readiness Tool or another comparable data collection tool. (pg. 64, Oregon’s Application) (template provided online) (template provided online)
The Application Process Step 2b: ii. A statement signed by each licensed K-3 staff member of the selected eligible school indicating willingness to participate fully in the Reading First grant. (pg. 64, Oregon’s Application) (pg. 64, Oregon’s Application) (template provided online) (template provided online)
The Application Process Step 2b: iii. A commitment to send a district team to the Reading First Grant-Writing Workshop to work with all of the district’s selected schools. The district team will include: Administrators responsible for writing the grant Administrators responsible for writing the grant Administrators responsible for implementing the grant Administrators responsible for implementing the grant (pg. 65, Oregon’s Application) (template provided online) (template provided online)
The Application Process Step 2b: iv. A commitment to send a school team to the Grant-Writing Workshop from each eligible school that the district has determined ready to be part of the district’s application. The team will include up to eight educators: The principal The principal Four grade-level teachers: kindergarten,first, second, and third Four grade-level teachers: kindergarten,first, second, and third The Title 1 teacher The Title 1 teacher The special education teacher The special education teacher The teacher of English language learners, if applicable (pg. 65, Oregon’s Application) The teacher of English language learners, if applicable (pg. 65, Oregon’s Application) (template provided online) (template provided online)
The Application Process Step 2b: v. The Non-Selected School Form explains the district’s rationale for not selecting schools, using the School Readiness Tool or another comparable data collection tool. (pg. 64, Oregon’s Application) (pg. 64, Oregon’s Application) (template provided online) (template provided online)
Request for Proposal (RFP) Components of the Reading First Application: Components of the Reading First Application: Selection of Schools to be Served Selection of Schools to be Served Instructional Reading Assessments Instructional Reading Assessments Reading Program and Instructional Materials Reading Program and Instructional Materials Instructional Leadership and Professional Development Instructional Leadership and Professional Development Evaluating and Reporting Evaluating and Reporting Instructional Reading Assessment Instructional Reading Assessment Access to Reading Materials Access to Reading Materials Budget Budget
How can Reading First grant funds be used? Professional development Professional development Reading programs and supplemental materials Reading programs and supplemental materials Reading coach Reading coach Classroom library books Classroom library books Substitute time to support professional development Substitute time to support professional development
Stage-One Funding Personnel expenses for the reading coach Personnel expenses for the reading coach Professional development for the Institutes of Beginning Reading Professional development for the Institutes of Beginning Reading Web-based professional development Web-based professional development Substitute time Substitute time Early literacy materials Early literacy materials Administrative costs Administrative costs
Stage-Two Funding Districts submit selected scientifically based reading research programs and supplemental reading materials to ODE for approval. Districts submit selected scientifically based reading research programs and supplemental reading materials to ODE for approval. When approved, grants will be augmented and districts can order approved materials and schedule program specific professional development. When approved, grants will be augmented and districts can order approved materials and schedule program specific professional development.
For assistance, please contact: Julie Anderson, Specialist Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Field Services , Ext , Ext Mardale Dunsworth, Director Mardale Dunsworth, Director Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Field Services Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Field Services , Ext , Ext Oregon Reading First Oregon Reading First Oregon Reading First