Overall Contributed income: ◦ FY14: $1,033,866 ◦ FY13: $947,101 # of $500 and above gifts: ◦ FY14: 156 ◦ FY13: 147
State of the Everglades Report Holiday Website and Online Push Naturalist/Annual Report Corkscrew Update Statewide Direct Mail Campaign Various Center/Program Direct Mail Campaigns
◦ What worked? ◦ What are opportunities for improvement? ◦ What should we do differently this spring?
FY13: $19,570 from 41 donors (includes major gift of $10K) FY14: $8,775 from 39 donors
FY14: $7,135 from 49 donors FY13: $2,634 from 41 donors
FY14: $34,700 from 158 donors (includes major gifts of $10K and $5K) FY13: $13,975 from 138 donors
FY14: $5,225 from 71 donors (does not include online responses) FY13: $7,040 from 113 donors
Audubon Boots On Website HOLIDAY version
End of Year Facebook/Social Media Post Posted throughout the month of December on Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Google+
FY14: 181 gifts/ $35,307 (does not include board giving) FY13: 142 gifts/$13,708 FY12: 108 gifts/$13,500
1- Dec. 9 Sent to 29,142 people 16.95% open rate 1.11% click rate
2 – Dec – Dec. 12 (variations sent multiple times) Sent to 29,375 people 15.77% open rate 1.52% click rate 3 – Dec. 19 Sent to 29,330 people 16.09% open rate 1.52% click rate 4 – Dec. 24 Sent to 29,259 people 13.33% open rate.64% click rate
New Year’s Eve Sent to 29,198 people 12.22% open rate.32% click rate
ACTIVITYWinter 2011Winter 2012Winter 2013NOTES State of the Everglades Report 41 responses $19, responses $8,775 FY11 was designed as a cultivation piece only. December Appeal 73 responses $5, responses $7, responses $5,225 Everglades vs. Water themes vs. Holiday catalogue Naturalist 32 responses $19, responses $2, responses $7,135 FY11 included $10,000 donation Adopt-a-birdNot done 36 responses $2, responses $3,620 Did December event in FY11. CBOP Year-end Ask/ EventNot done 45 responses $2,940$5,800 Event moved to February. Coastal Island Year-end Ask 31 responses $3, responses $7, responses $5,265 FY12 was focused on a specific item. IBA Birdathon 15 responses $1, responses $1,364 5 responses $725 Corkscrew Update and Friends Income for Dec. Not tracked specifically last year. 138 responses $13, responses $34,700 (includes major gifts) General Online 60 responses $8, responses $6, responses $18,920 does not include board giving Board Giving (Nov & Dec.)$74,280$141,183$164,700 winter board giving + aquired Major Gifts (Dec. - $500 plus)$428,000$395,392$329,678 FY14 figure includes end of Nov New Donor Records97143 Dec. not available yet Totals - not counting major gift category as that includes overlap w/ activities; does not include Corkscrew update n/a$192,259$201,245
◦ What worked? ◦ What are opportunities for improvement? ◦ What should we do differently this spring?
Audubon/Pew Fins and FeathersReport
Audubon/Pew Report 14 media hits, including 2 NPR/public radio stories that were syndicated throughout the state.