Name: _____________ Period: __________ Date: ______________
__________________: molten rock underground Two types: ____________________: thick and stiff ____________________: thin and fluid Gases: Major gases: water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur. Minor Gases: hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and sulfur dioxide. ***The gas amount in the molten rock is a major factor in its type of eruption. The more gases in magma, the more explosive it is. ***
__________________: an opening in the earth’s surface that magma escapes out of. __________________: when the opening of a volcano collapses in onto itself. __________________: a structure made from cooled molten material that builds around and opening for molten material. __________________: top of a volcano’s opening. __________________: Molten material that reaches the surface. Different from magma by loss of some of its gases. Solid lava fragments are ___________________. Ranges from 2 mm (ash) to 64 mm (lapilli, blocks, and clinkers, and bombs). In some very explosive eruptions, tephra combines with gases to create a large superheated cloud that travels downhill with amazing speed. This is a ______________________.
__________________________: made of basaltic lava flows, low, broad shape; made from layers of lava; quiet eruptions, mostly found on oceanic plates.
_______________________: Squat, narrow structure; “blows itself up” with violent eruptions; layers of tephra (granitic material) made up structure, common to have pyroclastic flows.
____________________: made from granitic and basaltic mixture. Large, tall, alternating layers of lava and tephra, common to have pyroclastic flows.
___________________Eruption: Occur at narrow fractures or divergent boundaries Basaltic lava Shield volcanoes Examples: Iceland, mid ocean ridges, or rift valleys
_____________________ eruption Occur where one plate is subducting under another Granitic lava Cinder-cone volcanoes Examples: Cascade Mt., Andes Mt., Philippines, Japan, and Aleutian Islands
_______________________ Hot spots are areas of volcanic activity in the middle of the plate Causes: concentration of heat sources in the asthenosphere will punch through the lithospheric plate. The Hot spot remains at the same location but the plate moves. Shield volcanoes Examples: Hawaiian Island chain
1. ___________________: volcano is spewing ash, lava, tephra, having quakes 2. ___________________: has had activity in recorded history, may has small active venting of gases. 3. ___________________: has not had an eruption in recorded history. Magma chamber has solidified.
______________________:Located in Iceland, divergent volcano, Formed during five-month period in Almost closed a harbor. Finally slowed by pouring gallons of sea water on the lava ______________________: located in Washington State. Subduction volcano. Erupted May Blew out one side of the volcano. _____________________: located in Hawaii. Hot Spot volcano. Quiet, fluid eruptions. Place of volcano study. _____________________: Located in Italy. Subduction volcano. Destroyed Pompeii is 79 AD. Currently watched due to recent increases in activity. _____________________: located on Sicily. Subduction volcano. Currently erupting (since Summer 2001)
_____________________: located Indonesian island chain. Subduction volcano. “The most violent eruption of historic times”. August 1883 blew half the island apart and created tsunamis. ______________________: Located Oregon State. Subduction volcano. Dormant volcano. The top of the cone fell in after lava seeped out of the sides. Caldera filled with water from rain and snow. Lake is 608 meters deep. ______________________: located in Philippines. Active. Violent eruption is June Subduction volcano. Affected meteorology globally. ______________________: largest volcano found in solar system. Located on Mars. Dormant. ______________________: most volcanoes of and satellite. Over 100 known volcanoes. Eject sulfur dioxide. Volcanic activity caused by Jupiter’s strong gravity pull on the satellite.